Reboot Juice Fast...Have you done it?

kms1981 Posts: 207 Member

Just looking to see if anyone had completed a 30 day (or longer) reboot juice fast? My juicer comes tomorrow evening and my husband and I am planning on starting by the weekend. I already have cleared the fast with my doctor who is perfectly fine with the fast so I am good to go!

Looking for support and encouragement from others who have been motivated to take on this challenge and particiapte in juicing!


  • summerstarr
    summerstarr Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I did a 15 day juice reboot and it was amazing. Drink a TON of water (seriously well over 150 oz a day), expect the first day or so to be hard (headache, fuzzy teeth, grumpy, exceptionally thirsty). This will pass, for me it lasted about a half day, for a friend 2 full days. I am over the moon with how good I feel, my energy level, my attitude is much better, my palate was "reset" (I don't crave sweets nearly as much as I used to) I don't enjoy diet soda any more, overall it was amazing. It was hard for the first 5 days, then I just enjoyed how good I felt that I didn't mind not chewing. I was not hungry, but I wanted to EAT in the beginning. Have a partner do it with you, if you can, my husband and I did it together and it was such a good experience. I hope that helps, feel free to friend me if you would like! :)
  • cjc166
    cjc166 Posts: 222
    Best of luck! I can't make it longer than 2 days. :) I do like juicing though and I admire everyone who has success with juice fast. Even the short fast was enough to get me reset and thinking in a much better way about eating. I've been following Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat to Live" (Fuhrman is the doctor whom Joe Cross goes to in the movie), and I've had some really great success with that diet. I've lost 24 lbs in the past 6 weeks and feel so much better!
  • I'm halfway through the 15 day classic. I felt like a rockstar during the first five days. I was doing great, tons of energy, I was running faster, and feeling amazing. I'm crankier on the 5 juice only days, but I'm attributing that to pms and the start of my period.

    I personally don't think I could do more than 5 days, but it's been a GREAT experience and I wish you all the best of luck. It does make meal planning easy! I make my breakfast and lunch juice the night before and just grab both containers on the way to work. It's really simplified life these last few days. And also, as of day 9, I've lost 11 pounds :)

    I've already decided I'm definitely going to be doing this again.