New member - disgusted with self. Need motivation!


I am a 30 year old vegetarian. I am 5'4" and 152 pounds. I have a very demanding career and have packed on the pounds. I have reach that point of disgust and need some motivation from you guys. Anybody interested in checking in at least 3 times weekly and keeping tabs on each other?

My weaknesses are as follows:
1. I love junk food. I am a carbavore. I have been a vegetarian for 13 years, but I am not a fan of vegetables.

2. I work really long hours and commute 2 hours daily in addition to my 12 hour work day, so I am great at making excuses to not work out.

3. I love to eat in general. I understand the importance of eating healthy and working out more. I just need a few good kicks in the rear to get me going (My scale this morning helped me post this tonight -eek).

Any advice or motivations? Please help!


  • fit2btied34
    Wishing you the best and welcome to the site! Keys to success that I have found - Keep a food journal! it makes you accountable - even when you don't want to be! :)

    Working out is important - but a lot boils down to what you eat!
    can you workout on your lunch break?

    you don't have to starve to lose weight - you just have to eat the right combinations of food! - and eat them often - it boost your metabolism! starving yourself will actually slow metabolism down.

    Message me anytime - I am no expert - but have lost - maintained - and learned a lot during my journey!

    good luck! You can do this!
  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Hello veggievet, I'm sorry I don't have any other advice other than try really hard until you succed in cutting out the junk food. I lol not to be incensitive, but how do you pull off the vegetarian part if you hate vegatables? Do you just toil in the hardship like an old time Kung Fu Grand Master. :wink:
  • Makai
    Makai Posts: 43
    Hello and welcome to MFP!! This is a great site and very motivating if you stick to it.
    Good luck on your journey.
  • greenstar1216
    Hey! I wish you luck! I actually cut meat out of my diet for a few months and it really helped me lose some weight. I just think you need some change...No more junk food! watch your carbs, they are a real killer! Or better yet, if you do eat carbs make sure they are whole grain. Switch from white bread to 100% whole wheat (just because breads say whole grain or whole wheat it doesn't mean it is! You need to make sure it says 100%). Also, switch from white rice to brown and wild rice and switch to whole wheat pasta. When you eat the refined stuff, your body just turns it to sugar and fat - No good! Whole grains satisfy you more and take longer to break down. Plus, you get more fiber! You should have about 24grams a day! Eat beans and lentils - rich in protein and fiber! Eat more fruits and veggies! Try your hardest, it is so important to eat your fruits and veggies! Drink lots of water! I totally cut out soda from my diet and I try not to even drink fruit juices. They are usually loaded with sugar. Don't get me wrong I think a little bit or real sugar once in a while is no harm. I stay away from the fake stuff though (its loaded with chemicals your body doesn't want or need). Turbinado is very good. It is an unrefined sugar with a bit of molasses. I hope I could be some help! I am always reading up on health and nutrition trying to learn as much as I can and I'm happy to pass it on! Good luck to ya!
  • candessb
    candessb Posts: 52 Member
    Hi! I can keep tabs on you if you keep tabs on me. I'm 27, 5'5'', 150lbs
    So we're very similar...Plus I'm a grad student so I'm pretty busy myself.
    First thing I have to say is please don't be disgusted with yourself. All you need to do is get back on track...just keep a positive attitude and keep using MFP, it gets addicting!
  • greenstar1216

    I wouldn't mind keeping tabs on you and you on me :) I need a buddy on here lol
  • southern_gurl
    I wouldn't mind checking in with each other, trust me I need the motivation. I am 5'2 and weigh 150. I know what it feels like to feel disgusted with yourself...........
  • lynmayo
    lynmayo Posts: 14 Member
    First things first: take it easy on yourself. You are incredibly busy and it is harder to maintain a good diet and exercise regimen when you are on the run all of the time. Go easy on the self-critical thinking, it isn't helping you.

    I have also been a vegetarian for about 15 years and I would much rather mow down a bags of potato chips than eat a carrot. The trick is to find healthy foods that you do like. I started picking up a different vegetable when I go to the store and taking it for a test drive. This week was turnips, last week was beets. Maybe there are things that you would like but they aren't on your regular menu so you have never given them much thought. Next, try to find alternatives to really bad junk food that are not as bad. I have started opting for pretzels instead of chips when I am having a craving. Not saying that is better than a banana, but it is an improvement. Then, try to remember to eat small meals as often as possible and be sure to eat something before you get in the car so that you are not tempted to stop at the Qwik-e-Mart for a bag of ironically-named Smartfood to polish off on your drive home. If you eat before you get too hungry you are less likely to make a bad decision on what to eat.

    Try not to make it about the scale because the scale can be evil. Instead I will say - congratulations on your decision to lead a healthier life!