Busy Mom - Advice Needed

I am new to mfp and need some motivation and some suggestions. I have a daughter that is a little over a year old and I still have not lost all of the "baby" weight. I would really like to lose 15-20 lbs by the end of September/beginning of October - before my 10-year High School Renion. I just can't seem to stay motivated. I'll do great for a week and then I lose motivation. :( One of my biggest issues is figuring out meals - I need some suggetions/ideas for quick and healthy meals, especially lunches. I work 40 hours a week, with an hour commute and I'm going to school part-time; therefore, I am looking for the easiest/quickest, but healthy, meal and snack ideas. Since I don't always cook supper (my husband works shift work), leftovers are only an option once in a while and I quickly get burned out on sandwiches/salads. Where do you get your meal ideas? I need helping staying AWAY from fastfood! I'd love to have a plan or blog or something I could follow that would tell me exactly what to cook/eat everyday, that were quick and easy! :) I am probably asking too much but thanks for any help!

Motivation tips are also welcomed! :)