Treadmill tweaks.... give me your best workouts!



  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Yes, one "can" run outside when it's 20 below, and one "can" run outside when it's 94 with a heat index of 105, but get off your high horse and realize that sometimes it's more comfortable (not to mention healthier) to run in a climate controlled environment. I run 4 1/2 miles an 37-40 minutes in a typical workout. If I were to try to do that in Florida in the summer, I would likely suffer heat stroke, or at least feel like crap afterwards. And I used to run outside in northern Vermont. That sucked almost as much.
    But as to the original question, I put a song list on my iPhone on shuffle and adjust my tempo (step to the beat) to the tempo of the song. That way, you don't know what your pace is going to be til the next song comes on.

    No high horse here. I'm just saying that weather is a very poor excuse, in my opinion, for retreating to the treadmill. The body is capable of running in extreme heat and extreme cold (with proper gear). Have you ever heard of Badwater? Ultramarathon through Death Valley. That's a little more than a nice jog and a little hotter than Florida. Is it comfortable to run under those conditions? No, it's not. Is it possible? Absolutely. Does it help build fitness? You bet your @ss it does.

    That notwithstanding, my comment to the OP was obviously tongue in cheek.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    I use to love running on the treadmill, but now hate it!
  • np11073
    np11073 Posts: 30
    I have a bad knee which rules out any impact exercise...including a treadmill at any speed greater than 3 mph. My machine of choice is the elliptical. The gym that I work out at has the machines that have video screens but they have is a few local stations which does not provide much diversion. I use my iPod collection, iHeart radio, and Fit Radio as my training music. This has worked well for me. Good Luck to you.
  • justbcuzz
    justbcuzz Posts: 1 Member
    Tabata Treadmill Run: Put incline to 12%, Speed up to 8 (or 30 seconds slower than your 3 mile run time) Run for 20 seconds and rest for 10, 8 times. Short but very intese. Enjoy ;0)
  • schicksa
    schicksa Posts: 123 Member
    I like doing quick sprints where I really crank up the speed (5 minutes), then hit the weights for a quick circuit, then back to the treadmill, then weights, etc. My gym is set up great for this. However many cycles you have time for. I find I can really push myself that way. Also, always kills me when cranking up the elevation!