Difficulty reaching daily caloric limit. Need help.

I find myself eating at a caloric deficit. So I tried eating a higher quantity of healthy food and getting really full. I know that portion control is important in maintaining weight, but what if a large amount of healthy food? Is this strategy of weight loss working against me?


  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Portion control is important if you're eating calorie dense foods. If you're eating a lot of fruit and veggies, you can eat more. What's really important in the end is the number of calories total.

    If you're having trouble eating enough, you can try some healthy foods that are also calorie dense, like avocado (I like mine in the form of guacamole), nuts, and olive oil.
  • I shouldn't matter about the portion size, as long as you are not going over your calories. You could try eating more snacks too. Almonds are VERY healthy, and also have a lot of calories. If you see that you are low on calories, eat a serving or 2 or almonds. They have all kinds of flavors, I LOVE them!

    Sometimes I am way under on my calories too. It's usually on days that I do a lot of cardio. For some reason exercising a lot doesn't make me hungrier, I just drink a big glass of water after I work out and usually I'm fine. It's ok to be low some days. As long as it's not every day! You just gotta keep trying different things until it works for you. It takes a few weeks!

    Good luck!