18lbs to go and i'm lost!!! please help

i started off losing weight last year april. I was 210lbs to start with. when i weighed myself last week, i was 148lbs. but i need help.
i cant seem to lose the last 18lbs as easily. i find it hard to log, i want to eat bad stuff all the time, i'm constatntly battling with myself to stop myself from eating but its sooo hard now. i'm obsessing more than i've ever done about food!!!! i really need help, advice, i want to get back to my routine again. and feeling in control!!! any advice will do
thanks in advance!


  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Focus on what you want and do what you have to do to get there. If it helps you, write down your plan, including how you feel when you are and aren't in your routine and what you will do when faced with a craving for bad stuff (i.e. eat fruit or go for a walk instead of giving in to a craving). I've soooo been in your shoes and have realized that I'm really much happier overall when I am eating right and working out. Just decide to TAKE control then do it!
    Good luck.
  • oldbutnotover
    oldbutnotover Posts: 13 Member
    It's your relationship with food...I think. It's not a healthy one. Self help books or therapy would probably help. It could be that as you come close to your goal you feel the need to sabatoge your efforts. Could you have a fear of success or failure? There are many reasons why you may have these extreme feelings. It sounds like something is triggering you, but it is difficult to sort through this kind of thing on your own.