Discouraged by people around me

Recently, I finally decided not to yo-yo with my weight anymore and do it properly. I was so happy with my progress even though it's very slow. I know my body reacts differently and it can't lose weight like others do. So putting this in mind, I continued my exercises and proper food eating. And now after 2 years, I saw my weight under 70kg 2 days back. But, people around me assume this fat slob is eating her heart out and not putting any effort in exercising. On top of that, I'm always criticised for my pear shaped body. This one person whom I know of said behind my back of course, "Look at her big butt, it looks like it may burst soon." this is only 1 of many negative comments I received recently. Why people around us are so mean? I never criticise anyone's body or their looks. Why can't they be kind to people like me? Why can't they be supportive? Now I feel like I'm the biggest loser. I have no motivation or encouragement left in me. Feel like shunning myself from everyone.


  • kjones3535
    kjones3535 Posts: 139
    I am sorry that people are being so nasty to you. As someone who is going through the weightloss battle too I understand how hard, and slow, the process is. I cannot explain why they are jerks but perhaps you can use that for motivation. Also, if they are being mean to you, that really puts into perspective your true friends.

    I am not sure I helped at all but just know you are doing the right thing. Keep up the hard work and dedication. Even if it takes another 2 years it will be worth it. I am sure that they are either jealous (they are too scared to do what you are doing ) or are skinny and have never had to deal with these issues.

    Feel free to "friend" me as I am ALWAYS supportive.