net calories not adding up

So i get that my net calories go down when i exercise, but im exercising more than i eat apparently. i know in some ways its a good thing, but so far my "Net" cals are only 43, and i have already ate dinner. I ate the right amount of cals, but i have burned over 1200 cals. and im not hungry, or depriving myself of food. any input?


  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    uhhh... eat more?
  • danadarling09
    uhh, thanks, but if im not hungry im not going to eat. thats what got me here in the first place.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I cut back on cardio because I wasn't netting healthy. one day every now n then I don't mind(in my own diary of course) but If I can't eat it back, I won't do it. (Especially if you have a already large deficient)
  • Kybelle132
    Kybelle132 Posts: 71 Member
    Are you using a hrm??? Its easy to over estimate cals burned.... If you really are only netting 43 cals you will burn out fast!
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    Try eating A LITTLE more, but remember that u dnt need to stuff ur face if u are full, also remember that some of the calories burned are sometimes a bit over estimates.
  • 12weekjourney
    still need to get your recommended number of calories, if you can't eat enough, you need to exercise less <3 if your body doesn't get all the nutrition (including calories) it needs your organs and overall health won't be great
  • likemeinvisible
    Over exercising leads to loss of appetite, try to eat the protein and some of the carbs.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    What excercise are you doing that burns that many cals?

    You should probably eat all of them back 43 net calories a day is way to low to sustain such a huge workout.
  • danadarling09
    No im not using a hrm, but thanks i will try that. I do alot of swimming and that burns cals fast, but i dont feel like i have done anything if i dont. Thanks for the input though yall.
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    definitely use an HRM -- the estimates in the database are notoriously high! then, if you really need some extra calories some days, have a protein shake. about 130 calories/ 25 gram protein, and take up little room :wink:

    *** Just saw your last post. Polar FT7 can be used in the pool
  • danadarling09
    good idea, i could probably use more protein
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    I know everyone says to eat back your exercise calories...but...I'm think if you aren't hungry then don't push it. When I first started on here, I didn't know how to plan my day very well & always had very low net calories. Now on the days that I work out, I make sure I have a high enough calorie breakfast or lunch so my net won't be in the dirt at the end of the day. I also think if you are burning that many calories during the day, you should definitely be eating way more.
  • danadarling09
    I guess the over estimation is a big reason i quit myfitnesspal before, im on here for support and it seemed i was getting ragged for my net cals then i was getting support
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    What kind of input do you want? You've been told you should eat more, and you refuse to take that advice. What else is there but a pat on the back?
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I know everyone says to eat back your exercise calories...but...I'm think if you aren't hungry then don't push it. When I first started on here, I didn't know how to plan my day very well & always had very low net calories. Now on the days that I work out, I make sure I have a high enough calorie breakfast or lunch so my net won't be in the dirt at the end of the day. I also think if you are burning that many calories during the day, you should definitely be eating way more.

    this and get a HRM or get calorie data from another website like Calorie Count or something. MFP's design can be very confusing.. I don't eat back calories btw, if I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry. I just make sure to meet my macro nutrient and calorie goals for the day. I've lost 13" so far in under two weeks with HIIT and 30 Day Shred.

    OP good luck!
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    girlfriend, nobody told you to stuff your face, but netting 43 calories a day isn't good. it really isn't hard to eat an extra 200-300 calories of protein/fat. eat some avocados and nuts and youre done.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    I guess the over estimation is a big reason i quit myfitnesspal before, im on here for support and it seemed i was getting ragged for my net cals then i was getting support

    supporting people is sometimes telling them what they do not want to hear.
    you should be netting at LEAST 1200 calories.
  • GabsMommy28
    GabsMommy28 Posts: 47 Member
    Just because people aren't telling you what you want to hear doesn't mean we aren't supporting you. We are supporting you by telling you you need to eat more to stay healthy with that much exercise. Try a protein shake before and after your swim. You need to fuel your body or you are going to get sick and no one wants that.
    Non of this is an attack. It's just faceless people on the internet trying to answer the question you asked.
    Good luck!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    I guess the over estimation is a big reason i quit myfitnesspal before, im on here for support and it seemed i was getting ragged for my net cals then i was getting support

    We want people to be HEALTHY... not just get skinny. As such, when members see people who are doing something unhealthy like eating or netting way too few calories, we speak up. It IS support because we don't want you to have issues!