Being Black



  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    " ...Also, I find it odd that black people often say they are proud to be black. If I said I am proud to be white, Id sound like a racist."

    Fieldsy one of the issues I have is this, because someone says, "I'm proud to be black," who happens to be black doesn't mean everyone that is black a) is saying that and b) "The Black and I'm Proud" movement came from a long period of being ashamed of having more melanin then white folks. These are folks who are remembering the times Jim Crow laws existed, or only being able to get a job sweeping floors when they held college degrees and post grad degrees. Being “caught” with black skin was considered a disgrace and meant you were less than a 100% person.

    I can understand the elderly black people feeling this way, but people my age I just don't get.

    I think you are right,you just don't get it.I'll try to explain using a few analogies.

    Its like a heterosexual person saying "I'm straight!,thats have a straight pride festival" or a woman calling a guy a "slut" it doesn't have the same social significance or power.

    The gay pride festivals,are about overcoming oppression,not being ashamed to be gay etc.This is just like the black power movement,it was and still is about overcoming that.White power,however,obviously,was not about that,it was about claiming to be better than everyone,and being the "chosen people." yes I am talking about the past now,but I'll continue to explain how it is still relevant.

    You say "we are all equal now" I don't know how to explain to you that this is clearly not the case,when we are talking about law enforcement, the people that have power over someones life.Being proud of a skin color,is problematic.You can be proud to be European,proud to be American etc. but being proud to be white skinned? Is it necessary?

    This kind of statement usually comes along with other questions like,"Why isn't there a white history month" when 99.9% of the stuff you learn in school IS mainly about white people.Or saying things like "how come they get B.E.T." (black entertainment television) "How come we don't get a W.E.T channel?",when 99% of shows on tv are aimed and produced for the white demographic.Or the classic "why can't I say the n-word" why would a white person want to say that word,anyway?

    I know you think it sounds hypocritical,but people in the u.s./u.k. can be proud to be black.For the majority of black people,all they have,in terms of history,is the color of their skin.They don't know any other history (pre-slavery) other than them being black and slaves,because the history before slavery has been somewhat destroyed or skewed.The history books make it seem that we turned up just in time for slavery,hah.

    We are all equal,yes,we are in agreement on that.However,the distribution of power,whether black- white,man-woman,doesn't reflect this.

    Lets refrain from calling peoples opinions "BS" ,this topic has been great until that point.I'm sure you are just passionate,but lets keep it nice.

    All I said was why is it okay for black people to say I am proud to be black, but when a white male says it, it comes off as racist?

    Im not questioning why their isnt a white history month or a wet. I know that already.
  • britlocs
    britlocs Posts: 124
    Everything I posted was an explanation of why it might be perceived that way. I thought it was pretty clear.I can't explain it any other way.

    I didn't claim you where saying those things,those where examples to help you form a better understanding.

    I obviously failed.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Everything I posted was an explanation of why it might be perceived that way. I thought it was pretty clear.I can't explain it any other way.

    I didn't claim you where saying those things,those where examples to help you form a better understanding.

    I obviously failed.

    I understand that black people had to overcome problems a long time ago. I am not questioning that, or why they have a history month or their own channel. I have no problem whatsoever if black people are proud to be the color that they are. I'm proud as well.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Racism can definitely flow in any direction. However, the difference is that the white man has not been as crippled by it as the minorities have. Thus it seems a bit hypocritical of them to call racism when they have been the ones oppressing others for centuries. Yeah they might face a bit of trouble today but, honestly, that’s not too bad in comparison.

    Ummmmmm about the comment that said that the white man can’t support any “agenda” I’m not sure if I’m misinterpreting this or not so I’m not going to address that.

    White men may have oppressed people before, but I don't see what that has to do with me personally. I've never done anything to anyone, so I dont see why I should be held to a different standard. And actually, my parents have never done anything, and my grandparents have never done anything. And those are the people who raised me. I'm sick and tired of hearing that I should be ashamed for something I never did or took part in.
  • britlocs
    britlocs Posts: 124
    You both seem to be confused about about the idea of "white privilege" this is not saying you should be ashamed.This is saying you should be AWARE of the privileges you have as a white person today BECAUSE of the things that have happened in the past.

    its an understanding that everything that white people have,in terms of power in the U.S.,is a direct result of that history.I think should watch this funny clip to understand what I'm talking about.

    Being "sick and tired" is incomparable to being "targeted and killed" based on your race.People keep talking about racism as if it is something that has stopped with phrases like "white people have been oppressive in the past",and i don't understand that?

    fiedsly does this too "i understand black people have overcome problems a long time ago"

    why do you keep speaking as if it is not happening now?

    Roachhaley You need to stop thinking with exceptions,and start thinking in absolutes.We are talking about the people in power,not your everyday guy on the street.I understand your family weren't oppressive,but that doesn't mean that you,as a white person,don't benefit from the racism of the people in power.

    The question Fieldsy seems to be asking is "why can't I express my proudness in same way that others can" because you don't have to,whiteness is celebrated on a daily basis.Simply look around you.
  • NotThePest
    NotThePest Posts: 164

    Please define a "long time ago." In order to talk about something intellegently we have to come to terms with how we define and use a word.

    For me, 1987-I was transferring to a four year school after getting a 2yr degree. Standing in a small, very small elevator, to go to an office to drop off papers. two professors walk into the elevator and are not aware of me (very, very small elevator). They begin discussing or continuing a subject brought up at the recently held Faculty Meeting, increasing minority representation in the very small liberal arts school in this very very small elevator. "It will bring the standard of the school down, they are stupid you know," the "they" meaning "black folk," me. I was 37, went back to school late in life. When they noticed me, I just said, "Oops, too late now." I went on to graduate with a 3.98 with a B.S. in Accounting, with six awards, that was my revenge or somewhat.

    The greatest revenge happened before graduation. The Math department changed the book they were using for one of the classes that 1/2 of the deep in conversation professors taught. He was unprepared and upset, as well as cussing up a storm and giving G_d the last name of Dammit. I walked up, looked at the new book, and began to show him how to teach the first class. He looked sick, I interpreted it as being upset that he wasn't prepared and because he assumed without contacting his Department Head before semester started. I walked out of the building and stopped dead in my tracks and began laughing. I didn't teach this man how to teach his class out of smugness, because I truly had not focused on our earlier meeting; however, the incident was brought back to my remembrances.

    It is that subtle, under current exchanges that can destroy someone's sense of identity and self-esteem which I'm trying to bring out. Please read, The Warmth of Other Suns if you really are looking for "truth" and context.

    By the way I have other hilarious stories of my time seeking a higher education which was riddled with false assumptions regarding black folk and their ability to grasp concepts, facts and education in a predominately "white" school. It also happened to my son who years in Engineering School exposed the lack of understanding what black folk can do and accomplish, he graduated in 2005. NASA (space shuttle); Boeing (787 - Dreamliner); Lockheed Martin; HondaJet, are a few of his experiences on the job.

    Sorry for the length.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Oppression is oppression... whether it happens because of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation... or something as inane as where you went to school or what your clothing size is... "White People" have been oppressed by other "white people", because of their religion or tribe they were a part of... Romans oppressed the Celts, Picts and Gaels... among many other European Tribes.... Catholics oppressed the Protestants.... in the US, it was the Native American Indians, the Irish, the Chinese and the Blacks (from both Africa and the Caribbean)... The KKK wasn't just against black people, they were against Republicans (at the time), Catholics, Jews, and homosexuals as well... People can oppress other people any time and any where. In India, it's the caste system (or at least was). In Israel, it's the Palastinians. In Muslim countries it's the non-Muslims or the smaller minority Muslim tribes (like the Kurds) and largely women (though there are some countries that are more liberal towards women). In China, it's the Tibetans. Believe it or not, to be of German decent in America during the two World Wars could find oppression as well (though admittedly to a much lesser extent than other groups)... Many Germans changed their last names (as many Jews did before them) during this time (which is why I say to a lesser extent because it's much easier to change a last name than it is a skin color). Even in the US, Japanese were placed in internment camps right here after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

    My point is, oppression has been happening since the dawn of time... towards everyone at one time or another. There is always going to be people that feel they are superior than others... I just think white people are "better" at it.

    Note: I say "better" loosely as whites, particularly of Roman and/or Anglo-Saxon decents (which were major conquering groups in their time of prime along with the Normans who descended from Norweigan people), have been the group that has been particularly "successful" (again loosely) in oppressing groups of people as a part of their conquering strategy... and I honestly believe that it was a trait that continued on through even the last century... It could have easily been any other people group as well.

    I also want to add that I don't think oppression of any kind is right, I'm just trying to add my perspective of it all from an Anglo-Saxon perspective.
  • NotThePest
    NotThePest Posts: 164
    By the way this is a great discussion - It is helping to break down invisible barriers even if your feelings get hurt. In order to fix something, sometimes you have to crack things open to get to the part that is sick and that hurts. Think of a heart surgeon sawing through and cracking open someone's chest cavity to get to a sick and ailing heart, Ouch!!
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    I'm not saying every black person is saying that. I know that blacks had it worse a long time ago, but things have changed. Everybody is equal now and have been for a while now. I can understand the elderly black people feeling this way, but people my age I just don't get.

    Since when is everyone equal now in every facet of life? There are laws about discrimination but does that mean it doesn't happen?
  • britlocs
    britlocs Posts: 124
    Oppression is oppression... whether it happens because of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation... or something as inane as where you went to school or what your clothing size is... "White People" have been oppressed by other "white people", because of their religion or tribe they were a part of... Romans oppressed the Celts, Picts and Gaels... among many other European Tribes.... Catholics oppressed the Protestants.... in the US, it was the Native American Indians, the Irish, the Chinese and the Blacks (from both Africa and the Caribbean)... The KKK wasn't just against black people, they were against Republicans (at the time), Catholics, Jews, and homosexuals as well... People can oppress other people any time and any where. In India, it's the caste system (or at least was). In Israel, it's the Palastinians. In Muslim countries it's the non-Muslims or the smaller minority Muslim tribes (like the Kurds) and largely women (though there are some countries that are more liberal towards women). In China, it's the Tibetans. Believe it or not, to be of German decent in America during the two World Wars could find oppression as well (though admittedly to a much lesser extent than other groups)... Many Germans changed their last names (as many Jews did before them) during this time (which is why I say to a lesser extent because it's much easier to change a last name than it is a skin color). Even in the US, Japanese were placed in internment camps right here after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

    My point is, oppression has been happening since the dawn of time... towards everyone at one time or another. There is always going to be people that feel they are superior than others... I just think white people are "better" at it.

    Note: I say "better" loosely as whites, particularly of Roman and/or Anglo-Saxon decents (which were major conquering groups in their time of prime along with the Normans who descended from Norweigan people), have been the group that has been particularly "successful" (again loosely) in oppressing groups of people as a part of their conquering strategy... and I honestly believe that it was a trait that continued on through even the last century... It could have easily been any other people group as well.

    I also want to add that I don't think oppression of any kind is right, I'm just trying to add my perspective of it all from an Anglo-Saxon perspective.

    We are talking about RACIAL oppression,in a topic about being black in predominantly white,western countries.

    You can't just come along and say oppression is oppression.its not.There are different forms of oppression and those differences are SO important,and can't just be glanced over like that.

    White people have never been victims of racial oppression (which is the topic at hand),and in every almost every single example you listed,white people are the ones doing the oppressing.White people vs white people is not a form of racial oppression.

    I feel this type of response is guilt.Like others have said before,you don't have to try and cover anything up,you are not the racists,some of your ancestors where.You just need to be aware of it and stop trying to go off track ,and realize that your privileges come as a result of that history.

    oh and I put racial in caps for emphasis,i'm not angry or anything. :P
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Racially, I identify as mixed race/latino/person of colour/black depending on whatever I want. I'm a happy go lucky boy. Why do I feel so bad that someone told me I am apathetic and not doing what I should? I just try to be a good PERSON, I don't think too much about being a good black person. Sometimes I guess I would like to know more people my own race so I don't feel a little different ffrom time to time

    Here's the catch. Simply knowing more people your own race won't make you feel less different. I lived in Kenya for almost 2 years and nearly everyone there has black skin. As a "white" (white compared to them) person there I was surrounded by millions of people with black skin. You know what I saw. Blacks hating other blacks because they had different skin color, whiter hands, different hair, longer legs, different accents. The Bantu don't like the Kikuyu, and the Kalenjin and Kamba think each other to be superior to the other tribe. The Maasai are all close to 7 feet tall so they think themselves superior to everyone. It's more hate and arguing than I see here in the United States so I have to laugh when I hear a black person here wish they could be around a larger group of black people. You think that actually changes anything? No. People are people no matter what the skin color is. The racism doesn't end just because there are no white people around. Read or watch Dr. Suess' Start Bellied Sneetches and you'll see the perfect model for these problems.

    Just do your best to get along with the people you find yourself around and don't worry about labels.
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member

    Also, I find it odd that black people often say they are proud to be black. If I said I am proud to be white, Id sound like a racist.

    I feel like I am going to get major backlash for this but I don't see how anyone could be proud of being any race or ethnicity. It makes no sense to me. I am proud of things I have worked hard at and accomplished. I didn't work hard at being Mexican and caucasian. I did NOTHING to make that happen. My parents had sex and through the miracle of nature and genetics I was born. I think its fine to be proud that you overcame a stereotype or hardship because of your race, but not solely on the fact that your parents had sex to create you.
    Then again I also feel like gay pride is silly for the same reasoning. You can be proud of having the bravery to come out, but not of who you like to have sex with. Seems silly to me.

    [spelling edit]
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Oppression is oppression... whether it happens because of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation... or something as inane as where you went to school or what your clothing size is... "White People" have been oppressed by other "white people", because of their religion or tribe they were a part of... Romans oppressed the Celts, Picts and Gaels... among many other European Tribes.... Catholics oppressed the Protestants.... in the US, it was the Native American Indians, the Irish, the Chinese and the Blacks (from both Africa and the Caribbean)... The KKK wasn't just against black people, they were against Republicans (at the time), Catholics, Jews, and homosexuals as well... People can oppress other people any time and any where. In India, it's the caste system (or at least was). In Israel, it's the Palastinians. In Muslim countries it's the non-Muslims or the smaller minority Muslim tribes (like the Kurds) and largely women (though there are some countries that are more liberal towards women). In China, it's the Tibetans. Believe it or not, to be of German decent in America during the two World Wars could find oppression as well (though admittedly to a much lesser extent than other groups)... Many Germans changed their last names (as many Jews did before them) during this time (which is why I say to a lesser extent because it's much easier to change a last name than it is a skin color). Even in the US, Japanese were placed in internment camps right here after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

    My point is, oppression has been happening since the dawn of time... towards everyone at one time or another. There is always going to be people that feel they are superior than others... I just think white people are "better" at it.

    Note: I say "better" loosely as whites, particularly of Roman and/or Anglo-Saxon decents (which were major conquering groups in their time of prime along with the Normans who descended from Norweigan people), have been the group that has been particularly "successful" (again loosely) in oppressing groups of people as a part of their conquering strategy... and I honestly believe that it was a trait that continued on through even the last century... It could have easily been any other people group as well.

    I also want to add that I don't think oppression of any kind is right, I'm just trying to add my perspective of it all from an Anglo-Saxon perspective.

    We are talking about RACIAL oppression,in a topic about being black in predominantly white,western countries.

    You can't just come along and say oppression is oppression.its not.There are different forms of oppression and those differences are SO important,and can't just be glanced over like that.

    White people have never been victims of racial oppression (which is the topic at hand),and in every almost every single example you listed,white people are the ones doing the oppressing.White people vs white people is not a form of racial oppression.

    I feel this type of response is guilt.Like others have said before,you don't have to try and cover anything up,you are not the racists,some of your ancestors where.You just need to be aware of it and stop trying to go off track ,and realize that your privileges come as a result of that history.

    oh and I put racial in caps for emphasis,i'm not angry or anything. :P

    It is still oppression... you don't have to agree with me.... Putting up a sign that says "Straights" only or "Catholics" only or "(insert ANY type of demographic) only" is no different at the very core than putting up a sign that states "Whites only". And to be honest, I don't feel guilty... why feel guilt for something I haven't done nor participated in. I am merely looking at this from a historical perspective, not a personal one. I'm just telling you that "white" people aren't exempt from being oppressed from other "white" people... white people may be able to overcome it easier and faster than other ethnicities because they have the same skin tone, but I don't believe it's any better or worse. The Germans oppressed the Jews (who are both white but also both racially different (as Jewish people are not just a religious group, but an ethnic group that have genetic predispostions to certian disease and traits that other groups do not)) to the point of wanting to exterminate them... how is that any better than trying to doom a group of people to poverty and ignorance? Other than one is a much quicker death sentence. I'm not saying these things to merely shock, I'm saying that just because a person is white and they are being oppressed by other whites doesn't make their experience less real and less damaging because it is done by the same color of people. In the end it is all the same thing and again, that doesn't make your (or anyone elses) experiences any less real or damaging either.

    I think in the end we both will just have two different perspectives and understandings on the matter because we have both had different experiences and as long as we hear those perspectives and try to empathize and understand them, then we can make some real progress between us all. Have I as a white woman felt discrimination? Sure, to a degree (I've had a professor in college, in the year 2003, that held the belief and was very public about it, that women could not and should not be in the field of physics and would berate us until we quit his class), but I get that others have felt much more discrimination and oppression than I or my family ever will.
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    I'm with Britlocs on this one. Kara xx mentions if a black family don't want their daughter dating a white guy, is it exactly equivilant to the reverse situation.

    I think...... white people can be discriminated against for their race (it diesn't happen often, but I am not saying never) as can straight people, men, whatever. But oppression is about power. So a black person can't reall, to my mind, oppress a white person. They could treat them badly for their race and call them a bad term, but it is not the same racism and oppression because the larger power balance in society. That is said, it would still be NASTY and I am not saying it is right, just like, not racial oppression.

    'Privilege' is about society being set up in a particular groups favour generally. Most of us are privileged in some ways and not in others. Eg. I am male and not disabled so I have privilege with that. I am not that dark skinned so I have privilege compared to darker black people. Like, for example I need to be aware that if I am at work and someone comes in the shop, they might think I am the boss because i am the only man, because that is a male privilege thing. I can't stop people's assumptions like that but I can ensure I interact with my female colleagues in a way that does not reinforce and inbalance of power. People get upset talking about this because they think privilege is an accusation that you are personally racist (homophobic, sexist, ablist etc). It isn't- the VAST majority of white people I ever met are not racist, in fact most are very aware and informed, like no ignorant. But that does not negate privilege. Acknowledging privilege makes you LESS oppressive not more, like the example i gave above.

    This discussion was kind of started about questioning my black identity- I know colour blindness is seen as a real virtue but I want to be able to learn about and idneitify withnthat part of myself. It is a part of me. Not my entire self. I don't see why it has to be ignoring it entirely (impossible anyways, i'd say) or entirely defining myself by it. I said it before, and I say it again, white people don't tend to get defined by their race, it is like the default anyways so not relevant. When part of your culture is not always represented or represented positively in the world, sometimes you need to make an effort to engage with it, and thatb is what I mean by talking about blackness. It is not about defining myself only by that.

    I probably sounded way chippy there, I didn't mean to!!
  • britlocs
    britlocs Posts: 124
    Oppression is oppression... whether it happens because of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation... or something as inane as where you went to school or what your clothing size is... "White People" have been oppressed by other "white people", because of their religion or tribe they were a part of... Romans oppressed the Celts, Picts and Gaels... among many other European Tribes.... Catholics oppressed the Protestants.... in the US, it was the Native American Indians, the Irish, the Chinese and the Blacks (from both Africa and the Caribbean)... The KKK wasn't just against black people, they were against Republicans (at the time), Catholics, Jews, and homosexuals as well... People can oppress other people any time and any where. In India, it's the caste system (or at least was). In Israel, it's the Palastinians. In Muslim countries it's the non-Muslims or the smaller minority Muslim tribes (like the Kurds) and largely women (though there are some countries that are more liberal towards women). In China, it's the Tibetans. Believe it or not, to be of German decent in America during the two World Wars could find oppression as well (though admittedly to a much lesser extent than other groups)... Many Germans changed their last names (as many Jews did before them) during this time (which is why I say to a lesser extent because it's much easier to change a last name than it is a skin color). Even in the US, Japanese were placed in internment camps right here after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

    My point is, oppression has been happening since the dawn of time... towards everyone at one time or another. There is always going to be people that feel they are superior than others... I just think white people are "better" at it.

    Note: I say "better" loosely as whites, particularly of Roman and/or Anglo-Saxon decents (which were major conquering groups in their time of prime along with the Normans who descended from Norweigan people), have been the group that has been particularly "successful" (again loosely) in oppressing groups of people as a part of their conquering strategy... and I honestly believe that it was a trait that continued on through even the last century... It could have easily been any other people group as well.

    I also want to add that I don't think oppression of any kind is right, I'm just trying to add my perspective of it all from an Anglo-Saxon perspective.

    We are talking about RACIAL oppression,in a topic about being black in predominantly white,western countries.

    You can't just come along and say oppression is oppression.its not.There are different forms of oppression and those differences are SO important,and can't just be glanced over like that.

    White people have never been victims of racial oppression (which is the topic at hand),and in every almost every single example you listed,white people are the ones doing the oppressing.White people vs white people is not a form of racial oppression.

    I feel this type of response is guilt.Like others have said before,you don't have to try and cover anything up,you are not the racists,some of your ancestors where.You just need to be aware of it and stop trying to go off track ,and realize that your privileges come as a result of that history.

    oh and I put racial in caps for emphasis,i'm not angry or anything. :P

    It is still oppression... you don't have to agree with me.... Putting up a sign that says "Straights" only or "Catholics" only or "(insert ANY type of demographic) only" is no different at the very core than putting up a sign that states "Whites only". And to be honest, I don't feel guilty... why feel guilt for something I haven't done nor participated in. I am merely looking at this from a historical perspective, not a personal one. I'm just telling you that "white" people aren't exempt from being oppressed from other "white" people... white people may be able to overcome it easier and faster than other ethnicities because they have the same skin tone, but I don't believe it's any better or worse. The Germans oppressed the Jews (who are both white but also both racially different (as Jewish people are not just a religious group, but an ethnic group that have genetic predispostions to certian disease and traits that other groups do not)) to the point of wanting to exterminate them... how is that any better than trying to doom a group of people to poverty and ignorance? Other than one is a much quicker death sentence. I'm not saying these things to merely shock, I'm saying that just because a person is white and they are being oppressed by other whites doesn't make their experience less real and less damaging because it is done by the same color of people. In the end it is all the same thing and again, that doesn't make your (or anyone elses) experiences any less real or damaging either.

    I think in the end we both will just have two different perspectives and understandings on the matter because we have both had different experiences and as long as we hear those perspectives and try to empathize and understand them, then we can make some real progress between us all. Have I as a white woman felt discrimination? Sure, to a degree (I've had a professor in college, in the year 2003, that held the belief and was very public about it, that women could not and should not be in the field of physics and would berate us until we quit his class), but I get that others have felt much more discrimination and oppression than I or my family ever will.

    Thats exactly my point,though.You have come to a thread about "being black",and said your are looking at it from a historical perspective,and not a personal one.Well,then your point isn't valid,at all.

    Its like me as a man, going into a topic about women and their periods, and experiences with PMS,and rather than just sitting back and listening,I start listing a whole bunch irrelevant things that men go through,and saying things like "yep I understand completely,I'm just looking at from a biological perspective,we have such and such equivalent to pms"

    Or going to a conference on cancer ,and saying "yeh, but what about AIDS dude,the AIDS". :D

    Putting up a sign that says whites only vs Catholics,are both bad,I get that,but that isn't the topic we are discussing.Nobody said white people are exempt from being oppressed,we are saying, it has never happened in regards to race.We are talking about racial oppression,any other form is irrelevant when talking about race.I have used other examples only as analogies for better understanding.

    your example of Jews is the same thing,whether Jews are white or not is irrelevant,the OPPRESSORS are STILL WHITE,in that case.White people have been the common denominator in most cases of Racial oppression.

    "white people may be able to overcome it easier and faster than other ethnicities because they have the same skin tone, but I don't believe it's any better or worse" this entire sentence is a complete contradiction.How is that not better,if you can overcome something easier and faster? thats exactly what privilege is.

    I'm going to step out of topic because I would like read others opinions now.You can always send me a message if you want to talk further.Although I do need a social media break for a while haha.
  • Tammi623
    Tammi623 Posts: 113 Member
    Racism can definitely flow in any direction. However, the difference is that the white man has not been as crippled by it as the minorities have. Thus it seems a bit hypocritical of them to call racism when they have been the ones oppressing others for centuries. Yeah they might face a bit of trouble today but, honestly, that’s not too bad in comparison.

    Ummmmmm about the comment that said that the white man can’t support any “agenda” I’m not sure if I’m misinterpreting this or not so I’m not going to address that.

    White men may have oppressed people before, but I don't see what that has to do with me personally. I've never done anything to anyone, so I dont see why I should be held to a different standard. And actually, my parents have never done anything, and my grandparents have never done anything. And those are the people who raised me. I'm sick and tired of hearing that I should be ashamed for something I never did or took part in.

    At what point did I say that white people should personally feel ashamed or that all white people's ancestors took part in oppressing others? I never said you should be held to any standard. I was referring to previous statements about how racism can be directed at ANY race and why it seems exaggerated to other when a white man claims to be oppressed when EVERYBODY is in the same situation as them. I don't necessarily hold these opinions I was just stating how it is viewed by others.
  • Tammi623
    Tammi623 Posts: 113 Member
    Racism can definitely flow in any direction. However, the difference is that the white man has not been as crippled by it as the minorities have. Thus it seems a bit hypocritical of them to call racism when they have been the ones oppressing others for centuries. Yeah they might face a bit of trouble today but, honestly, that’s not too bad in comparison.

    Ummmmmm about the comment that said that the white man can’t support any “agenda” I’m not sure if I’m misinterpreting this or not so I’m not going to address that.

    Am I understanding you correctly? Are you saying that because "the man" was predominantly racist back in the day that now any white man loses their right to claiming that they are being discriminated against? This is what I mean when I said that “discrimination flows both ways” (and I hope you don't take this the wrong way Tammi) but this mindset is what begets discrimination of any type and any capacity.

    I think we need to shed that type of mentality and simply strive to better ourselves and quit making a crutch out of the discrimination card. And yes, I’ve been discriminated against…I’m not one to sit there and make myself out to be a martyr, I’ll just prove them wrong by being successful.

    No actually you understand incorrectly. I was not stating that they lose any rights. I was referring to previous statements about how racism can be directed at ANY race and why it seems exaggerated to others when a white man claims to be oppressed when others are in the same situation as them. I don't necessarily hold these opinions, I was just stating how it is viewed by others. If you looked at my other posts you would see that I don’t hold any of these views and that I don’t care what color anybody’s skin is personally. I just know a good bit of the historical and social implications of how it plays a role in everyone’s lives today.

    I am not sure if you were implying something or not but I have been discriminated against as well but I have and will NEVER use race as a crutch. I know of the hardships stacked up against me. I was raised to never make excuses for myself and to be a strong individual. Implying otherwise was unnecessary.
  • myth4ever
    myth4ever Posts: 372
    Hurt people...just want to hurt people....You continue being you bro! Stay strong and your heart will shine through any darkness.
  • Glassjaw01
    I see some discussions about racism against whites.

    Racism is racism, dudes. Nobody can say one demographic is more or less affected than one other. And I don't think we should be blaming white people for anything any more than we should be blaming black people for anything.

    I would say that some demographics are affected more than others as victims of racism- white people aren't victims as often or usually as powerfully as people of colour. I don' think blaming or guilt tripping or playing victim/aggressor is the way though, it is about working together everyone to a society that will benefit us all, through equality and justice :)

    This is BS.

    Also, I find it odd that black people often say they are proud to be black. If I said I am proud to be white, Id sound like a racist.

    Be proud! I know I am :)
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    I see some discussions about racism against whites.

    Racism is racism, dudes. Nobody can say one demographic is more or less affected than one other. And I don't think we should be blaming white people for anything any more than we should be blaming black people for anything.

    I would say that some demographics are affected more than others as victims of racism- white people aren't victims as often or usually as powerfully as people of colour. I don' think blaming or guilt tripping or playing victim/aggressor is the way though, it is about working together everyone to a society that will benefit us all, through equality and justice :)

    This is BS.

    Also, I find it odd that black people often say they are proud to be black. If I said I am proud to be white, Id sound like a racist.
    It's BS to say black people are more affected by racism that white people? No, don't think it is. We've been through this, Tammi put it so much better than me, but it is about refusing to be a shamed in a world that often sees you as second best. Nothin wrong in it.