I feel sooo fat and its gonna make me cry

I am so upset with myself...I am so stressed out and I keep emotionally eating. I am in the process of moving so I have no money and no healthy food. All I have is fattening crap that my husband eats so I eat it. I also have no interest in sex because i hate my body so much and I cant concentrate on the greatness of it....all i worry about is how i look the entire time and i dont feel sexy at all.

I just need some motivation. I know what I need to do I am just not taking action.

Do you guys ever already feel so ****ty that you just dont care so you keep eating and then afterwards feel extreme guilt?


  • vhardwick
    Yes, we all feel that way sometimes.
    If your weather is nice, try getting out of the house. That always makes me feel better.
    I also find comfort in visiting this site. I can spend hours on here without realizing it...and while I'm on here, I'm not eating.
    You just have to reach a point where you say, "This is it. I'm going to do it this time."
    Throw out all of the junk food and don't allow it in the house.
    Apples and oranges aren't expensive.
    Hope this helps!
  • cmurphy04722
    I feel your pain chica. I feel like I've hit rock bottom, this is the fattest I've ever been and everyone around me seems to be getting in shape. The sex life has also dropped off a bit for me since I just feel like wearing baggy sweats at home to hide myself.

    You are not alone. We need to pick our sorry a**es up and take control of things. We need to feel sexy and gorgeous again but it's not going to happen all on its own! Guess I'll hit the gym tonight...maybe have a vodka tonic or two tomorrow at the football game instead of 7 beers...
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    i am in the same boat, i feel the same way. Im just starting back today. I feel so unattractive it makes me not want to have sex. I dont want to even dress up cuz i cant fit into my clothes and i just look huge, so i wear t shirts and sweatpants all the time. I wont go out with my friends, or even try to make new friends at school becuz i figure no one wants to be friends with me cuz im fat. It has really taken a toll on my quality of life. We just have to use the things we want for ourselves as motivation! And not let it get us down!
  • jessicob
    thanks guys for the motivation. I think i will start tommorow i was reading articles on how to loose 10 pounds in 2 weeks just to give myself an initial self starter and then maintain from there.

    You guys made me feel so much better knowing that I am not alone feeling this way.