How do I post additional photos? I would love to post a pic of myself at my heaviest and then pics of my progress. Help please!


  • leanne9876
    leanne9876 Posts: 301 Member
    You could upload them to photo bucket and then use the code.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    [ img ] link.jpg
    [ /img ]
  • ccpowers
    ccpowers Posts: 203 Member
    If you just want to post them on your profile, you just go into your profile and edit and add pictures
  • berlynn_j
    berlynn_j Posts: 299 Member
    I found the easiest website is

    A lot of people complain that their photos are too big. This website resizes it for you. You don't have to sign up for anything. You just upload your picture, on the resize drop down menu click message board, this makes it the best size. Copy the link, and change the IMG at the beginning and end to lowercase so it say img. That should do it.