New Body November Week 2



  • Sorry for not checking in on Saturday. I am having some issues in my neighborhood with security and was trying to get my home as secure as possible. I was informed by PD that there is a man breaking into homes when women are alone.

    So trying to stay on target with the stress was not very easy. I did manage to lose 1.5 pounds which is something. I will continue to stay focused but I have already had some step backs with my diet.

    I will keep everyone posted.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    so much for my evening workout.. Came home from work. The hubby made a great wheat pasta and low fat sausage for dinner. Had a yummy salad and snap peas to go with it.
    so that I could get another workout in, he said he would clean up dinner and I could go for a walk.

    So it is DARK, but there is a small development with next to no traffic just around corner, I was going to walk the loop 2-3x for my workout... GREAT just what I needed....

    Off I go to walk around the corner, now I do live in the woods and it's dark......... A car comes in my direction I step to the side so I am on the grass,,,,,,,,,,, I tripped and fell!!! my leg is now bleeding and my ankle is in crazy pain...... I finally hop to my house and my wonderful hubby cleans my leg and gets me ice for my ankle!!!!:grumble: :grumble: Now what!!!!! I've just been maintaining and work out everyday!
    Hopefully I will feel fine in the morning and can get back into my exercise routine.

    It never fails, Murphey's Law:explode: :cry:
  • tecatecate- congrats on the loss and do please be careful and safe. That is a bad feeling to have. Not to feel safe in your home. Make sure your ready for anything.

    ourgang- I hope your leg is better by tomorrow. sounds like your doing great with your food choices and working out. Keep it up.
  • Sorry for not checking in on Saturday. I am having some issues in my neighborhood with security and was trying to get my home as secure as possible. I was informed by PD that there is a man breaking into homes when women are alone.

    So trying to stay on target with the stress was not very easy. I did manage to lose 1.5 pounds which is something. I will continue to stay focused but I have already had some step backs with my diet.

    I will keep everyone posted.

    Oh no--- be careful! You should definitely do whatever you can to not give off the appearance that you are home alone. Switch cars with whatever man lives with you often so nobody knows who drives what!
  • I am telling you guys this in hopes that I get off my butt since you are holding me accountable.

    I have been skipping the gym... A LOT!! I love it when I go but once I stop going it's SO HARD to get back in.

    So TOMORROW is the day! I am going as soon as I get up in the morning and will make myself proud! I will check in with you guys tomorrow to tell you about it, and if I do not check in, ask me! (That probably means I wimped out again and am too embarrassed to say!)
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    GOOD MORNING ALL! I have been on a kick lately, I have gone to the gym everyday since last friday, (ok so thats only 4 days but its a start) and this morning I made myself go downstairs and I did the 30 day shred before I went to work. I do feel more energized so thats a good thing. I will still try and get our to the gym tonight and do the Elipical for a while. If I can do this everyday I'll be happy and I should have a good weigh in next sat.

    My biggest problem is I never get anywhere near the excerise calories, I really want to work on staying under the regular cals for the day and where I work 2 jobs thats just hard for me to even cook anything at night. I will have to work on that!

    Tecatecate-I'm keeping you in my prayers that you are safe. Good luck I always have my cell near by just in case. Keep in touch with us so we know how its going!
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Hi all. I weighed in and I'm at 155....AGAIN :grumble: :noway: :grumble: I have been at this weight for like 3 weeks now and can't shake it off. Yes, sometimes I don't eat as healthy, but I workout like no ones business! I just can't believe it! For example, this morning I ran 6 miles in 52 minutes, which is AMAZING for me...and tonight, I'm going to be attending an aerobics class..this is what I've been doing pretty much for 3 weeks now...I'm going to just keep it up and see where it gets me though. I hope everyone else is doing better than myself. :flowerforyou:
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    vanimami - Dont get down about the lack of weight loss. You know in your heart that all the exercise is paying off. Even if you aren't seeing it in the numbers, you are getting healthier, and are doing good things for your entire body!! Feel proud that you can run 6 miles in 52 minutes. That is VERY impressive.

    Abutler - It's tomorrow.....did you go to the gym last night? I hope you did, but if you didn't, thats ok every once in a while. I know for me, I am just too stressed this week, trying to get things done before we leave. I have allowed myself to not go this week, but I am making sure that I stay within my calories. Since there is no exercise, I am focusing on what I can still control.
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    vanimami - Dont get down about the lack of weight loss. You know in your heart that all the exercise is paying off. Even if you aren't seeing it in the numbers, you are getting healthier, and are doing good things for your entire body!! Feel proud that you can run 6 miles in 52 minutes. That is VERY impressive.

    Abutler - It's tomorrow.....did you go to the gym last night? I hope you did, but if you didn't, thats ok every once in a while. I know for me, I am just too stressed this week, trying to get things done before we leave. I have allowed myself to not go this week, but I am making sure that I stay within my calories. Since there is no exercise, I am focusing on what I can still control.
    Thanks Tahmed, plus I am lifting weights as Maybe that's why :huh: ?? Also I'm impressed that you can not exercise and stay within your calories, that would be tough for me! That's very motivating!
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    So my leg and ankle were in mild pain today, no Jillian, but I did do a 30 min Pilates so I would have at least something for the day... NO idea how I'm going to work off my over extended day on Sunday b tomorrow morning, but oh well:ohwell:

    I'll focus on my calories and watch what I eat... Maybe tomorrow I can do a nice walk during the day light hours:laugh:

    Left overs for lunch

    Hope everyone has a great day..
    Weigh in tomorrow for me:wink:
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    So my leg and ankle were in mild pain today, no Jillian, but I did do a 30 min Pilates so I would have at least something for the day... NO idea how I'm going to work off my over extended day on Sunday b tomorrow morning, but oh well:ohwell:

    I'll focus on my calories and watch what I eat... Maybe tomorrow I can do a nice walk during the day light hours:laugh:

    Left overs for lunch

    Hope everyone has a great day..
    Weigh in tomorrow for me:wink:

    Something is better than nothing!! I wouldn't push yourself too far because your injured so be careful :)
  • Abutler - It's tomorrow.....did you go to the gym last night? I hope you did, but if you didn't, thats ok every once in a while. I know for me, I am just too stressed this week, trying to get things done before we leave. I have allowed myself to not go this week, but I am making sure that I stay within my calories. Since there is no exercise, I am focusing on what I can still control.

    Amanda--- love your name! (Mine is Amanda, too!)

    I did not make it to the gym after all but do plan to go later on this evening. I woke up with a nasty, hacking cough. I think it is just allergies but I have a doctor's appt in an hour to be safe--- I have a 3 month old nephew I am around almost daily and want to make sure I don't have any kind of flu!

    I put new songs on my Ipod to get me in the mood to workout, so hopefully that will be enough motivation!
  • AButler- i hope your not sick and I do hope you find the motivation to work out. even walking is better than nothing. We will help motivate if we can.

    ourgang- just take it easy, watch what you eat and do what you can. Your body needs to work on healing your wounds before it works on losing weight.

    vanimami- have you been keeping measurements on yourself. You could be losing inches of fat and gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat and you said you have been weight lifting. Also have you been doing pretty much the same workouts for three weeks? If you have your body might be hitting a plateau and you need to do something completely different. Sometimes your body needs to be shocked into something different to make it kick in to overdrive again. If you need ideas just let me know.

    stormchaser- way to go on the exercising everyday. Four days straight is great. Make sure you give yourself one day of break at least. That way you won't burn yourself out and be tired of going to the gym you should have a great weigh in, I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing.
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    AButler- i hope your not sick and I do hope you find the motivation to work out. even walking is better than nothing. We will help motivate if we can.

    ourgang- just take it easy, watch what you eat and do what you can. Your body needs to work on healing your wounds before it works on losing weight.

    vanimami- have you been keeping measurements on yourself. You could be losing inches of fat and gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat and you said you have been weight lifting. Also have you been doing pretty much the same workouts for three weeks? If you have your body might be hitting a plateau and you need to do something completely different. Sometimes your body needs to be shocked into something different to make it kick in to overdrive again. If you need ideas just let me know.

    stormchaser- way to go on the exercising everyday. Four days straight is great. Make sure you give yourself one day of break at least. That way you won't burn yourself out and be tired of going to the gym you should have a great weigh in, I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing.

    Yes, I have been measuring myself, but I've only REALLY been at this for like 3 weeks, so I can't be pleatuing, also I attend all kind of fitness classes, so I've been varying it up :grumble: I wont' get too discourage and will try to keep it must come off eventually, right :drinker:
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    So I was up today:grumble: :grumble: :explode:

    I can't change that, but I can focus on what is important.. Wise food choices and getting up whenever possible. Still in some pain, will do pilates again and going to see my chiropractor today.....

    This is a life long journey and I won't let this gain set me back.
    I will lean on my Heavenly Father and remind myself this is his body, mind, and soul to change!!!!

    Hope everyone has a great day.
    Praise God
    God Bless
  • Ourgang- just keep that positive attitude and you'll be fine. I hope you leg is healing ok. Keep up with the good eating and doing whatever activity you can and you'll be fine.
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    So I was up today:grumble: :grumble: :explode:

    I can't change that, but I can focus on what is important.. Wise food choices and getting up whenever possible. Still in some pain, will do pilates again and going to see my chiropractor today.....

    This is a life long journey and I won't let this gain set me back.
    I will lean on my Heavenly Father and remind myself this is his body, mind, and soul to change!!!!

    Hope everyone has a great day.
    Praise God
    God Bless

    Yes, stay positive! Just keep working out and eating right and you'll be fine, it just takes time. For instance, I have been working out for 3 weeks and have been stuck at the same weight :grumble: But I will stick with because I know it will come off! :smokin:
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Well girls, I am off to Vegas! I leave tomorrow. My goal is to not gain anything while there, and to kick it into high gear when I return. Best of luck working out and eatting right, and I'll check in Monday upon my return:smile:
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    GOOD LUCK and HAVE A GREAT TIME!:drinker:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    can I join?!? my old group finished and I havent reached my goal weight yet pweaseeeee pwetty pwease
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