Can you work the calories out on this menu???

It's my husbands birthday tomorrow and I've finally managed to book a table at the award winning restaurant around the corner from us. We go on honeymoon/holiday on Friday for 6 nights so between now and the end of the holiday my diet is going to be a little bit of a disaster, although I'm planning on controlling it as much as I possibly can.

As the other half can eat what he likes he is getting a little fed up of my constant logging and thinking about foods, so if I can prepare in advance of what I'm going for I think he will see me more relaxed and enjoying his birthday night out. You will notice it is BYO and I'm sure I will have a glass of wine with him so have to account for that too. I plan to do a quick workout before going out but won't have time for more than 30 minutes - oh and I'm on 1300 a day cals, obviously planning a lighter breakfast and lunch but I don't do well with hunger and am always snacking (on healthy things of course) throughout the day - my estimate is that I'll have around 900 calories left for the meal... If this was a one off I wouldn't really mind but knowing what the next couple of weeks hold I need to make the right choices.

So would anyone care to take a look at the menu and suggest the best options for me - I haven't heard of half of these ingredients and I doubt they will be found on the MFP database :smile: Ideally I would like to go for 3 courses, hoping to avoid the breads but can't promise anything :smile:

Thanks in advance for any suggestions given...


  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    you can pretty much never go wrong with fish as long as you ask for any sauces to be left on the side. also, that lamb dish looks tasty and maybe ask for a side salad instead of a potato.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Ooooh, I don't know this restaurant but we're always looking for somewhere nice in Perth for birthdays and this would fit the bill - so, thanks for sharing!

    That's a great looking menu, but none of those items are going be low cal. With gourmet stuff like that you are never going to be able to be very accurate with your logging, so I would just go with a bit of moderation but accept that you are going to be over for the day.

    If I was looking for a (ever so slightly!) lower cal choice, I'd go:
    - share an entree - probably the scallops and let him have the confit salmon.
    - rib eye for main. Ask for the sauce on the side and don't eat all the sauce. And it's a huge serve, so give some to DH.
    - no bread, salad with your steak.
    - share a dessert.

    Really though, I think there are some times where you have to just enjoy the night out, don't eat too much, and accept that you're eating more than usual.

  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    If I was going to an award winning restaurant for a special occasion I would just eat whatever I wanted minus the bread basket. Enjoy yourself. Maybe do an extra hour exercise the day before or something. :)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Well, right on the intro page it says "If you have any dietary requirements please inform your wait person." so, feel free to take advantage of that! Don't be super restrictive as it might annoy your husband, but feel free to ask questions to get things the way you want them! And, well, Fresh fish of the day is probably a safe bet! Ask how they prepare it, but more than likely it'll be seasoned and grilled or broiled.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    The good news is that fancy restaurants expect that you will order multiple courses, and individual portions will likely be small. I agree with the PP that the scallop is likely the best appetizer. The lamb is probably a decent entree, and depending on howit's prepared, the fish.

    Honestly though, this is a once in a while thing, so don't sweat it. Remember that you can eat up to your maintenance without actually gaining anything.
  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    Look s like a pretty good menu, my suggestions would be:

    Seared local scallops, confit Huon salmon, Fennel and cucumber, yuzu - the scallops vey little oil, however the salmon is poached ( confit ) in oil, it won't taste oily and it won't have a lot of oil in it., yuzu is a Japanese Mandarin/ grape fruit

    Aged prime Fillet steak, Beef cheek and tongue, onion Puree, fondant potato, thyme jus. - all good protein, my only concern would be the onion purée as it might have a lt of butter in it.

    Realistically looking at all those desserts and the cheese course, they will be more calorific than your entree and main. Personally, as this is a special occasion and a once off. I would go for gold and eat what ever tickles your taste buds. The menu selections all look really good.

    Enjoy your dinner.
  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    Oh thank you guys so much! I didn't really think it would be low calorie but you're all right that it'll be loaded with oils and butter even though a small portion - need to remember that.

    Start - scallops for sure, very happy as this would be my first choice - will pass the salmon onto hubby!

    Mains - I would prefer fish over steak so will ask how its cooked and any sauce to be on the side

    Dessert - I'm not huge cheese fan so will probably go for the honey cheesecake as this really appeals to me.... unless we opt for coffee instead as the other half isn't hugely into desserts

    How many calories do you think I should estimate for these choices???? I'm assuming it'll be easier to just add quick calories and over estimate rather than go under.

    I have the mobile number for the manager so may call him back and request lower calorie options where possible - that way hubby isn't aware :wink:

    Again thank you for this info - I have a much better understanding of food since using MFP but still learn more everyday and don't think it hurts to ask for advise or other opinions - especially when you get responses like this in just minutes!

    I did actually get up a little earlier and go on a 30 minute walk with the dog instead of my usual 10 minutes and will do 30DS tonight and probably tomorrow before going out!

    Oh and to Rubybelle you are welcome for the suggestion - we have heard nothing but praise for this place so worth checking out and I will report back on Thursday with how it went.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    For three courses, I'd probably drop 1000 quick cals in my diary and accept that it's a pretty random (though scarily high) number.
    And remember what Spanaval said - you can eat right up to your maintenance calories before you get to numbers that will make you gain weight.

    Enjoy, I'll look forward to the review!
  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    1000 - 1200 is what I was thinking too - ahhhh! Very scary!

    I just called to ask if they had any nutrional information or able to cater to low (ish) calorie requirements and the response was NO! They like to cook with lots of oil and butter and that's the way it is.....

    Oh well at least I tried but slightly miffed as the hotel we are going to next week was more than happy to cater for me when I asked the same thing.

    Haven't had a blow in out almost 6 months so think this can be justified and even deserved :laugh: