Hi, I'm new....

I should have introduced myself before!! I started on a new life style change on June the 6th---my last visit to the drs and the day I joined the gym. In April my BP was extremely high and was put on medication. My goal now is to get off the medication. I have a great chance of doing that if I am successful here. That day in June I weighed 227.
So far its going well. In about 6-8 weeks I have lost TWO inches from each thigh and my waist!!! YAYYYY!!!! And, I'm down 8lbs.
I go to the gym as much as possible, usually4-5 hours per week. I mix cardio with strength training. I had to laugh just yesterday at myself. The first day back in June I struggled to stay on the eliptical for 5 minutes. 20 minutes is no problem now, I like to do 30.

I know I shouldn't be but I am a little dissapointed that the scales arent friendlier to me. But it will come! It's weird, I've been on diets all my life, but this is the first where I can actually see fat leaving. The inside of my knees when they are bent, fat is LEAVING!!!! My thighs are THINNER!!! Actually its the first time I'm exercised to get in shape the right way!

Anyway, just wanted to say hi to everyone and also thank you for all of the great advice and support I read here everyday! With what I said above, I seem to be making ok progress, right?
Have a great day everyone!
~Pam, age 50