New here : )

Hi everybody! I'm new to MFP but not new to weight loss/fitness. My goal is to lose about 80-100 lbs. I'm 38 years old, 5'10 (thank God!) so I carry my weight pretty well. Since January of this year I have started doing a circuit training class (cardio, abs, legs, arms) & a kettlebell class at the gym twice a week. In June I started weight lifting 3-5 x a week with my boyfriend & that seems to have made a big difference in weight loss. I try to eat clean also. My biggest hurdle is that I have a hypoactive thyroid that I take synthroid 225 mcg q daily for. As an RN, I realize with my bunk thyroid that it's like skiing uphill! I consider myself a "Healthy fat girl," since I have no other medical issues.

I'm looking for some friends on here for advice, motivation & accountability. In return I will do the same. :smile: