Finally getting it together.

Hi all! I've thought about joining this for a while after hearing about it from a few colleagues. I'm 25 and in far worse shape than I should be at this point in my life. I come from an overweight family, but that isn't an excuse - it just added to my never realizing how bad I was until now. I used to work in Manhattan, where I'd get off the subway 3 stops early everyday to get in an extra 15-20 min walk every morning and same thing at night. I changed jobs a few months ago and now work from home, which saves me a ton of money and commute time BUT has basically cut out all of my activity. Because of this, I've gained a decent amount of weight in the last 7 months... and I was already well over where I should have been before that.

Anyway, the point of all this is that I finally feel ready and willing to make some serious lifestyle changes to get where I need to be. I'm tired of being the fat friend when I'm out at bars. I want to be able to go on dates with guys and not be insecure the entire time. Most of all, I just want to feel healthy.

So here it goes! :)


  • Luciabella07
    Luciabella07 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi! Congrats on starting. Im the opposite being the biggest one in my family. My mothers side is Norwegian so they are all super petite and I have always been the chubby (now overweight) one. Feel free to add me, im 24 so we're in the same age range and I am also new to the site. :)