Swimming & # of calories burned

Hi - I swim 4 days a week for about 1.25 hours. I am a bit slower than 50 yards/minute. When I log that, I get a large number of calories burned. However, if I eat the calories it suggests, I don't lose weight. I am thinking about not logging my exercise because it gives me too many calories. Any thoughts?


  • jaznsusan
    jaznsusan Posts: 9 Member
    Do you wear a HRM that tells you the calories burned, or are you using what comes up when you choose that activity in the exercise list? I wear a heart rate monitor, and I periodically take the tests at the gym that tell me my anaerobic threshhold, fat burning zones, etc. Those are programmed into my HRM.

    I burn way, way less calories than the number that comes up for my activity in the MFP lists or that the elliptical says I burn. So if you are using calories burned just from the list, maybe try eating half the calories to see if that helps? Since I know my calories burned is quite accurate, I strive to eat about half of them (not always successful, but that is my goal).
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    do what works for you
  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    You cant wear a HRM in the pool (they work on electrical signals)!

    I swim for 1hr (constant swimming) 4 days per week, covering around 3km if you put that into MFP it gives me a burn of around 860... but, i use something called a pool mate, which is a swim performance tracker which gives me a burn of about 760, so there is a slight difference between the two! I'd start cutting back on a few calories, maybe eat 75% to even the odds... also i trust that your swmming NON STOP in this. Also after 1hr your body burns alot less calories, about 50% less per hour, so you need to factor this in!

    Personally i use a fit bit, pool mate pro and HRM (all set to my specifics), i eat around 90% of my excorsize calories back, and im loosing a steady 2lbs a week.

    I think you just need to find what works for you, but i'd suggest a pool mate if your a swimmer at heart and worried about the burns your given, mine was about £60!
  • lizdegner
    lizdegner Posts: 2 Member
    I swim between 3500 - 4000 yards....with some short rest points (10 second). (I swim with a master's team...and we have "workouts" with varying yardage and rest...varies everyday....but the total remains the same.)

    Thanks for all your input.