Post-Partum Weightloss



  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    I never lost during breastfeeding either!! I have 4 kids, and was always prego wtih the next when I weaned the older, and despite being prego, I'd always drop 10 lbs once I weaned! I heard it has to do with your body holding on to a bit of reserve so that milk can always be made even if there's a famine or something and you don't eat...interesting... but not helpful if you're trying to drop the pregnancy weight!! :)
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I know how you feel I loved losing right after now it's slowing down , I had to up my calories a bit for my milk supply and it's keeping my at the same weight. I'm less than a month in so next month I will start actually dieting and working out more
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    I gained 60+ pounds with each of my 4 pregnancies, and only lost about 20 pounds or so of baby/fluid etc... I did weight watchers after my second baby and lost almost 30lbs before becoming prego again. After my 3rd baby, I started running and counting calories and lost about 30lbs again - then got prego again. I had my last baby this spring and I've joined a class at 6am 3 days a week - it's all body weight type exercises and it hurts lol!! I'm also counting calories here...In a couple of weeks, my goal is to start running again 3 days a week to round out my exercise schedule to 6 days/week. I'm really hopeful to get it all off this time since I'm not going to be prego again and I don't want left over fat lingering through the years!! Finally, I'm joining a class this fall at my church called First Place for Health. I'm really excited about it because I feel like it willl fill the missing link in my weight loss journey - the part where even though I'm able to muster up the will power to limit my calories while trying to loose weight, my mind still craves and sucumbs to the temptation of food. This class helps you shift your focus away from idolizing food to putting Christ first in your life.
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    I was 120 before getting pregnant, and went up to 155. I did not breastfeed- I had an emergency c-section at 39 weeks and my body was not ready for labor- my milk never did come in. I probably only lost about 10 pounds immediately after the birth (I also had a very small baby). The weight loss was soooo slow. I remember crying on the floor in frustration that the weight would not go away. It was especially sucky because I was barely eating. To this day I don't know what caused the weight to hang on.

    I went back to work at 10 weeks and that helped a lot. I dropped a fair amount of weight the first 6 weeks of being back at work, and got within 5 pounds of my pre pregnancy weight. In January when it looked like the remaining 5 pounds wasn't going anywhere I joined myfitnesspal. I went down to 1200 calories per day and ran on the treadmill most days. Took me about 5-6 weeks to lose the rest of the weight. Then I started strength training and trying to eat more paleo/primal. I've lost another 7 pounds since February and quit tracking. I am stalled though so trying to get back in the habit of logging but I don't like to do that.

    I do pushups, pullups, squats and lunges, and those four exercises have done a lot for me (although I still have progress to make). I limited my fruit intake at first, but that got too hard. I probably eat 3-4 servings of fruit per day and shoot for 5-6 servings of vegetables. I try and get at least 20 g of protein per meal (although I prefer closer to 30) and eat nuts (pistachios and almonds) every day. I don't eat much bread, pizza, or potatoes anymore, and cut way back on cereal. I developed a sweet tooth while pregnant and I am still fighting that.

    My baby is now 11 months old, and I'd like to lose a little more weight. The weight itself is not my end goal- I just want to like how I look in the mirror. I think losing another 5-10 pounds of fat would be ideal.
  • tashameat
    I cut my calorie intake to 1200 daily and worked out and got back to smaller than my pre pregnancy weight in a month and have kept it off by increasing the intake slightly,still working out and not going above 1500
  • raquelfisher7
    raquelfisher7 Posts: 21 Member
    My last baby just turned one and I'm about the same weight I was at when I was full term .... holy crap that was a horrible realization! Thanks a lot babies! I didn't gain much with either baby but I tend to hang on to the weight, although I did have a little bit of weight loss with breastfeeding each girl.

    I'm on the right path now and I'm logging (around 1200) and working out 5x/week and I just feel better. I don't feel like I'm on a diet, I eat normal food, just less of it. Chicken and fish are pretty low in calories and you can eat quite a bit of vegetables with little caloric impact. It's just a matter of retraining your brain : )

    I'm a SAHM so joining a gym with childcare was a huge motivator! I enjoy the break from the girls and I get to do something for myself which makes me more relaxed with my children and feel like a better person and Mom.

    I hope you have support at home and here on MFP! You're welcome to add me, I think it's great to have support from other mothers, no one knows what we go through like one another : )
  • kel82885
    kel82885 Posts: 29 Member
    I have a 3 year old boy and 5 month old boy. I breast feed both and am still currently feeding. Both times I put on around 20kgs. I lost the first 10kg very quickly then have to work hard to continue to lose the rest. I have started walking and trying to take 10,000 steps per day and eat around 1800 calories a day because I'm still feeding which uses around 500 calories. I'm eating smaller portions 5 times a day and. cutting back on sugar and processed foods. I have lost 1kg a week for the last 5 weeks doing this.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    My son was 18 months old when I finally lost every pound (and then some). I bf until 1 year old, didn't lose much of anything. As soon as I stopped and really started watching my calories, those 30 pounds flew off my body in 5-6 months. I was eating much less, and exercising more. I really think it takes time!
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    I gained about 17lbs on birth control before I got pregnant and then 30lbs during my pregnancy with my last, who is now 2.5. I was able to lose weight by exercising regularly (started with The Biggest Loser Challenge on Wii/Kinect, then did Jillian Michael's 30DS and Insanity) with a heart rate monitor and counting calories. I actually got down to 2lbs below my goal but I've been a slacker the last couple months and I am now 2lbs over. I am starting back up with calorie counting and Insanity to lose the few pounds I gained back and tone up a little more.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    I gained 35 pounds with pregnancy and i started overweight..I gained only(see Only) 35 pounds as i had gestational diabetes, dont know what would happen otherwise..ha ha

    Anyway, i lost all the pregnancy weight within the first 3 months due to stress..Stress went away and i gained 20 pounds post partum...yikes!! I thought i was eating healthy, breastfeeding and still gaining like 2 pounds a week, something must be wrong with me. Got all the blood work back normal and realised i was the one that was wrong. So got into MFP, logged everything honestly, exercised and have lost 24 pounds since and back to pre-pregnancy weight. My baby is now 14 months old.

    If you are already doing everything right, some people do hold on to some fat while breastfeeding and should drop right after you stop. But dont quote me on this, i have just read about this :)

    And good luck to you:flowerforyou: