HELP! My Calorie Intake is set lower than my BMR ...

I'm confused as to why MFP would calculate a 1200 caloric intake for me daily and my BMR is calculate at 1371. The way I understand it, I need 1371 calories for normal body function(breathing and heart beating and organs functioning properly)laying in bed all day.  I do work daily, so I would think I should intake at least the 1371 to prevent organ failure over time. I also exercise daily and I do eat my exercise calories. 

Should I be concerned? Should I be eating more?

For info, I'm a 46 yr.. old female 5'5" and 161lbs trying to get to 140lbs.

Looking for HELP! 


  • hydelaa
    hydelaa Posts: 184
    I don't know about organ failure or shutting down, but of you want to loose weight you have to lower your intake lower than your BMR. My BMR is 1941 so I'm consuming 1690..if I wanted to maintain my weight of eat 1941. That's how I understand it..
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    Your BMR is 1371 because that is what your body needs to take in to maintain your weight if you just lay around all day and do nothing. MFP does not assume you will be exercising and so it creates a calorie deficit for you thus your caloric intake being set at 1200.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    If you have fat to lose your body can and will make up the difference between what you consume and what you expend by burning fat. That's what it's there for.
  • MsHolly731
    MsHolly731 Posts: 54 Member
    When you don't have much to lose your deficit gets smaller.....

    just go to, do the BMR calculator, and scroll down on the results page. There will be a chart. Match up your activity and eat the calories it tells you too. done and done.

    you can either chose the sedentary option AND eat back your cals (like i do)


    choose the correct matching activity level and not eat back your cals.

    it's about the same number regardless.

    ppl make this too complicated lol

    Found this on a different thread :) Hope it helps you better understand :smile:

    She seems to be doing it right as she's lost 58lbs so far!
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