Finding the right fit!!!

soooooo, I have this heel spur that soon needs to be operated on... I have 3 disks in my neck that are way messed up... can't run, jump or hold my weight because of them... I do traction treatments for them so I can keep them from giving me a lot of pain.. just threw my back out moving a fork.. yep i said a fork from the stove to the sink in the kitchen... that now has to heal.... what to do what to do..... for exercise. I'm a good eater, fruits, veggies.... I like sweets but usually no big cravings there.... I'd like to work out a bit more but ouch ouch ouch.... what is light that won't cause me anymore pain!!! Back is on the mend, but it will take 2 to 6 weeks. Ouch! In need of some ideas..... Thanks ... If you know of videos of any light exercises you have found on you-tube... that would help.....


  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Probably you should talk to your doc or a physical therapist about things it's safe for you to do. You wouldn't want to set yourself back even more. Bless you for wanting to exercise with all you have going on!
  • cowenc1
    cowenc1 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks! I actually have.. they respond with whatever you can do that doesn't exert any more pain.... I do know my limitations on that.. Once my foot is healed.... I'll be good to go with the walking... can't run or jog... but i do like to walk... I can stretch and do things like that as long as I don't over do it. If it looks crazy for me... I don't even Just thought this might give me a few more ideas and I can always mix and match and choose... (: