Half marathon and lifting



  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Thanks, everyone.

    The Lyle McDonald link was very informative.

    I think I'm going to play with some different combinations and see how I feel from week to week.

    ixap - it sounds like your goals are pretty close to mine. I do want to finish sub 2:00:00 but I don't think that will be a problem regardless at this point. I'm running another half in February and I'm thinking I will make adjustments to my activity to finish it faster than the first - however fast that may be.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I was thinking about that but I don't want to do squats the day after a long run. And just doing bench and rows didn't seem like enough. Maybe bench and rows and some other upper body lift?

    I still have some fat to lose so I was planning to go into a very slight deficit at the beginning and adjust as I get closer to the race.

    I wouldn't worry about it too much as long as you can eat. You could just try it for a bit and see how it goes. You could also modify the routine a bit so that you do something like squat bench pullups\chinups one day and then deadlift overhead press barbell rows the other. Then you only squat one day per week. Or just squat light-medium one day and heavy the other.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I find I can't do any lifting while training for my half marathons. It just wears me down and really affects my performance, so for right now I have decided to skip it entirely. I would like to eventually start adding some strength training back in, but not until I get closer to my final goal weight, and get through this season's running events.

    Good luck on your first half...they become addictive!!

    I'm hoping I enjoy the first one - because I already signed up for a second. The running became addictive really fast so I'm pretty sure I'm going to love halfs.

    LOL, that happened to me too...signed up for my second before I even ran my first...and then signed up for a third! I truly enjoy races! :) This season I am signed up for a 10-miler, then 2 halfs, a marathon relay, then a marathon, followed by 2 more halfs and a half relay. Yep, I've gone race crazy!! Going to be a busy season, but it keeps me motivated to keep running.

    I'm planning on a 10k in September, a 5k in October and a 5 Mile race in November, then the first half is in December. I'm doing the Run For Your Lives race the weekend after the first half. My daughter said she wanted to run a race with me so I'm going to do couch to 5K with her so she can run the 5K with me so I won't shoot for a PR on that one. I've gone a little race crazy too. I guess there are worse things. I've had a blast at the 5 races I've done so far.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I was thinking about that but I don't want to do squats the day after a long run. And just doing bench and rows didn't seem like enough. Maybe bench and rows and some other upper body lift?

    I still have some fat to lose so I was planning to go into a very slight deficit at the beginning and adjust as I get closer to the race.

    I wouldn't worry about it too much as long as you can eat. You could just try it for a bit and see how it goes. You could also modify the routine a bit so that you do something like squat bench pullups\chinups one day and then deadlift overhead press barbell rows the other. Then you only squat one day per week. Or just squat light-medium one day and heavy the other.

    I've been thinking about the one day per week. I hadn't considered light-medium one day and heavy the other. I may give that a shot too and see how it goes.

    I can't even consider giving up my beloved deadlifts.
  • easfahl
    easfahl Posts: 567 Member
    Bump for a later read.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    I'm running another half in February and I'm thinking I will make adjustments to my activity to finish it faster than the first - however fast that may be.
    Fantastic plan. You don't have to kill yourself the first time out as hopefully this is just the first of many. Enjoy it, get a sense of how that distance feels, come out of the race uninjured, and then get the satisfaction of crushing your previous best time in the following race.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I'm running another half in February and I'm thinking I will make adjustments to my activity to finish it faster than the first - however fast that may be.
    Fantastic plan. You don't have to kill yourself the first time out as hopefully this is just the first of many. Enjoy it, get a sense of how that distance feels, come out of the race uninjured, and then get the satisfaction of crushing your previous best time in the following race.
    That's the general idea!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Okay, between what y'all have posted and some other stuff I've read and some ideas I just pulled straight out of my .... here's what I've worked up. I'll adjust depending on how it's going as I progress. Basically a slight mod to Stronglifts but I'm going to cut it back to 3x5.

    -Cleans - because I do pretty light weights with this but it incorporates a front squat so I'll still be doing a little bit of leg stuff
    -Curls - I know, I know but I like them


    -Core, Cross-train, Plyo, Intervals, whathaveyou


    -Easy Run


    -Long Run

    I'll probably throw some core stuff in on random days throughout the week also.

    For the first 8 weeks I'll also be taking my kids through Couch to 5K. My 7 year old daughter said she wants to run a race with me and how could I resist. I'm encouraging my 8 year old son to do it with us.

    I have a VERY experienced marathon/half-marathon runner helping me with this and training with me. Between learning where my limits are and falling back on his expertise this should be a lot of fun.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    That is probably fine. You could also do some basic push\pull with only one day of each vs 2 something like push - squats, bench, ohp, dips and pull - deadlift, cleans, rows, pullups. Either way it's not optimal weight training, but that isn't your top priority, so w/e
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I guess I thought it was good to have both push and pull in the same workout so I wanted to have some of each both days.

    I'm not looking for big gains during this period. If I can maintain what I've got for now that will be fine. In the spring when I'm done with the bigger races I have coming up I'm planning to shift gears to focus on weights and ease back on the running. After that I'll decide where I want to go from there.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    that looks solid to me :)
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    Sounds like a fine plan for maintaining LBM. Good luck!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I think it should work well. Time will tell and if something starts to suck I'll make alterations.

    Thanks, everyone!