Eating Help

Trying to figure out what is best. The boys are practicing football 3 nights a week from 6-8pm. I leave work 15 minutes early on practice days, pick them up from after school care, run to my in laws feed them a sandwich (either turkey or PB&J) get them dressed and fly out the door to practice. We aren't getting home until about 8:30 and are usually hungry again so we eat, shower and bed.

My question is - what can/should I (not the boys) eat late in the evening that won't just be horrible to eat and go pretty much strait to bed. I've been eating a "snack" before I leave work or while I'm driving to pick them up to hold me over until dinner but last night I ate nacho's - and then went to bed.

I've lost 60lbs in the last 8 months, I can't be eating at 8-9 pm everynight but it's also not fesible for me to drop them off at practice, drive home to eat by myself and then back to town to get them? So is a salad, or fruits/veggies ok and safe to eat and then go strait to bed? Suggestions please.