PCOS and weight loss success



  • anneerick
    anneerick Posts: 147 Member
    Suspected PCOS sufferer here... still considering getting a second opinion.

    I started taking Metformin about 12 months ago, but I stopped taking it after about 4 months.

    I'm successfully down 14kg (31 pounds), the goal is 40kg (88 pounds). I try to limit my carbs, but I love them too much! :love: It can be done, we just have to work harder for it. I think it means we appreciate it more when we get there!

    Feel free to FR me if you'd like. I'm on here every day.

    I too stopped all the medication, they had me on metformin, BCP and spiralactone, I was so sick of taking all these prescriptions I went off them all. Did Accupuncture instead, it totally helped me as well as switching to IF.

    Me too. I stopped all meds, they were just making my body feel wacky. It's a slow process but I am starting to see small weight loss results. Also, I have also been trying to get preggers for over 3 years with no luck yet....... PCOS is so frustrating....
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I am also on metformin when I can afford a prescription for it that is.

    Are you in the US? Metformin is a $4 generic drug at most chain pharmacies like Target, Walmart, CVS etc.
  • queeny1011
    I'm in England and as far as I'm aware i can only get it on prescription :(
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Metformin messed with my stomach too much so I quit it.
  • queeny1011
    Metformin messed with my stomach too much so I quit it.

    did you have the slow release? As it did the same to my mum and nan so they were put on to a slow release but the dosage is what does it sometimes I think. It's no wonder people stop taking it with the pain and the upset.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Metformin messed with my stomach too much so I quit it.

    did you have the slow release? As it did the same to my mum and nan so they were put on to a slow release but the dosage is what does it sometimes I think. It's no wonder people stop taking it with the pain and the upset.

    I'm not sure. It actually caused me constipation and I'm never constipated! I figured maybe my diet and it didn't mesh and I never got up to the full dosage.
  • queeny1011
    Metformin messed with my stomach too much so I quit it.

    oh my goodness me, I've not actually heard of that happening, (well with the people I know who take it that is). Obviously the same medication wont affect different people in the same way there are many variables to take in to consideration, I do think it is a good in the vast things it is used to treat but it is about what works for you and what your happy with and doing and that's the main thing really. But stopping hasn't hindered your loss quite clearly so you're doing great :-)
  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    I never noticed much of a difference with the Metformin, just kept an upset stomach all the time. Been taking my BCP and spirnalactone religiously though. Wouldn't know what to do without those two pills.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    Losing weight with PCOS is hard!!!!!!!!! but not impossible. I've lost 43lbs so far since Feb of this year.

    Add me if u like!
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Me. :) About 40 pounds though.
    It took me a couple of years--
    & it was difficult.
    It still is, as the weight comes off slower than usual,
    but I'm at it again.
    So many factors go into making sure the weight comes off.
    Generally watching carb intake was my best bet, & helped take off some of the belly fat.
  • Keightisgr8
    Keightisgr8 Posts: 121 Member
    I have PCOS and I've lost 67lbs so far. I workout and eat right.
    It will be 2 years in January that I've been working towards my goal of losing 100lbs.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Yes ma'am....I was diagnosed when I was 23, I'm 30 now. I've lost 36 lbs so far, which isn't 50, but that's been lost since Nov, so I'm ok with that. :-) Feel free to friend me if you want (just leave a quick message reminding me who you are lol). The keys for me have been exercising at least 4 days a week, and trying to stay at least 50 below my goal in my carbs, which means I'm usually around 150-200 (goal is 257). That's by no means "low carb", it's just being a little aware of them. Good luck!
  • PlayDoh1234
    PlayDoh1234 Posts: 86 Member
    I have PCOS... but it's hard to say if losing weight is harder for me than others since I really only know my side. My husband and I will be trying to conceive next year. I'm hoping my weight loss will only help with my fertility. When I was diagnosed, I was told that SOME people have pregnancy issues, but some people can have PCOS and have NO pregnancy issue.. So don't get defeated yet! Good luck with everything! Feel free to add me!
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    PCOS here! i also have a tipped uterus and have gotten pregnant easily THREE times :) so far, i am down 29 lbs. it has been in fits and starts but i just know because of the PCOS i have to hang in there to see results. Alas, not one period since i started mfp 65 days ago, but i'll take a 29 lb loss over a period anyday :)
  • Jkelly1221
    Jkelly1221 Posts: 91 Member
    54 pounds lost here, PCOS here. It has been a VERY difficult experience, but the most rewarding experience as well. When I started, I worked out 5-6 times a week and ate VERY VERY clean. I cannot stress that enough. I never cheated. I plateaued at 25 pounds and 45 pounds. The 45 pound plateau was vicious but I seem to be breaking it-but its a slow process. I still have about 25 pounds to go-hoping to get that off by the end of the year. But you can do it! If you have enough motivation and willpower, it can happen! Everytime I considered cheating on my diet, I would just really think about it "Would I rather eat this or would I rather continue to be successful?" At the end of the day, that's a pretty obvious choice.
  • mcfish618
    mcfish618 Posts: 48 Member
    I have lost 70lbs to date, I have been a constant yo-yo dieter my whole life. I no doubt had PCOS when I was in high school but was not diagnosed. I lost weight after I was married and got pregnant with my son. We tried for over 5 years to have another child, of course my weight was back up at the time and honestly...yes most people don’t get it I actually ate pretty healthy but when you have PCOS you have to eat totally different with low carbs and for me low sugar. After trying for 5 years to get pregnant and having a miscarriage I seen an endocrinologist who told me I would never have another child without infertility drugs and could not fix this myself….oh yeah mister??? I did tons of research and started eating higher but HEALHTY protein and low carb low sugar and walking I became pregnant and have 14 year old daughter that I was told I would never have......fast forward and I gained the weight back felt horrible and in January 2010 started living the higher protein/low carbs and doing interval workouts, elliptical, weight training and have lost and most importantly kept off 70 lbs. It is much harder but it can be done, you can sooooo do this!
  • Jkelly1221
    Jkelly1221 Posts: 91 Member
    Oh, and I do not have periods...like ever. But I did get pregnant in April-I had a miscarriage though. But it is possible to get pregnant, which gave me some hope!
  • JeicaRose
    JeicaRose Posts: 2
    I have PCOS, Have only just finally been diagnosed about 12 months ago. The only thing that i have found that has helped me lose weight is acupuncture. Have lost 7kg = about 15lbs in about 5months without changing my diet. I cycle about 30mins each day intensely. I am on the pill and that is it, will be starting metformin soon for insulin resistance.
    Before i started acupuncture i tried bootcamp for 6 months which was really intense and i lost no weight at all.
    Am trying to lose weight at the moment to get my body baby ready to start TTC in a year or two.
    I definitely recommend trying acupuncture for those who cant lose weight no matter what they try.
    Hope this helps.
  • seddaslim
    seddaslim Posts: 1
    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18. I am now 32. It's not impossible to lose weight with PCOS. Reducing carbs & sugar or following a low glycemic diet will give you the most success. With prayer, weight loss & femara, I had a successful pregnancy. Even just losing 10% of your body weight can improve you menstrual cycle & fertility. Be determined, you can do it!
  • kdsp2911
    kdsp2911 Posts: 170 Member
    PCOS right here! Bump for later!