135 NSV for 135lbs lost

jkimmett Posts: 46 Member
I wrote this and I think everyone should write one. Maybe I can inspire someone to do this. I have lost 135lbs and have so much to be thankful for.

135 Non Scale Victories for 135lbs lost

1. Going on an airplane and not getting an extender.
2. Going on roller coasters and fitting.
3. Painting my toenails.
4. Running up stairs
5. Crossing my legs.
6. Running with my kids.
7. Not lying about my weight.
8. Going to Disney World and walking for 7 days straight and not being tired.
9. Tying my shoes.
10. No more knee pain.
11. No more pain in general.
12. Jumping on the trampoline.
13. Getting up on a water trampoline.
14. Wearing a bathing suit around all day and being ok with that.
15. Fitting into a size 8.
16. Shopping at a regular store.
17. Ordering stuff online and knowing it will fit.
18. Shaving my legs is easier
19. I am proud that I have done this and succeeded.
20. Fitting behind the steering wheel.
21. Fitting into a normal life jacket.
22. Canoeing for 3 days straight.
23. Hitting obese on the BMI chart.
24. Hitting normal on the BMI chart.
25. Fitting into my very skinny 16 year old foster child's old winter coat.
26. Wearing a size medium.
27. Laying in the kids bed and not feeling like its going to collapse.
28. Sitting in any camp chair and not worrying about it collapsing.
29. Have lost both my kids (in weight)
30. I love wearing dresses now.
31. Not renting a scooter to get around theme parks.
32. Flying by my initial goal.
33. Not being out of breath all the time.
34. People smile at me more.
35. People complimenting me on my weight loss.
36. Fitting in the shower.
37. Fitting in an outhouse or any public washroom or change room.
38. I can wipe my own butt easily.
39. Kids can hug me all the way around.
40. I have more energy for the kids.
41. I can shop at Victoria Secret.
42. I bought jeans at the GAP.
43. I fit in a sleeping bag.
44. I fit in a sleeping bag WITH my 6 year old daughter.
45. I fit in a canoe without panicking that my weight would tip it.
46. I can fit in a movie seat.
47. I can fit in a stadium seat.
48. I can fit in any booth in a restaurant.
49. I can squeeze my butt into places I would have avoided before.
50. Sex is better.
51. I weigh less then my husband.
52. I eat so much better.
53. Fruit is my sweet food.
54. I can ice skate.
55. I can wear a long coat and not feel like a church bell.
56. I can wear high boots.
57. I wear heels.
58. Easily putting socks on.
59. Looking at my pants thinking they are my son's.
60. Knowing people aren't staring at me feeling pity for me.
61. Knowing my kids are proud of me.
62. Dancing all night and not being tired.
63. Dancing all night and enjoying the looks from other men.
64. Maintaining a healthy weight.
65. Running with my kids.
66. Being a good role model for my kids.
67. Having to resize my wedding ring.
68. My shoes are too big now.
69. Caring about my looks and looking after myself.
70. Eating well.
71. Going hiking without being tired.
72. Playing soccer with my whole family at a reunion.
73. My blisters on my feet are all healed and haven't had one since losing weight.
74. Lower grocery bill.
75. Lower bill eating in a restaurant.
76. I can eat out for $1.89 and be full.
77. I don't get an appetizer, dinner and dessert and still want more.
78. I love experimenting with healthier foods and find I love them.
79. I don't miss bread.
80. I can wear my hair up and there is no hump.
81. I can squat down and talk to kids at their level comfortably.
82. My 2 kids and me can fit comfortable together on the couch.
83. I can feel my hips.
84. I can lay on my belly and my hips touch the floor.
85. I can see my neck bones.
86. I can't stop touching my new shoulder bones.
87. I can fit my hand all the way around my wrist and then some.
88. I can wear a normal size ankle bracelet.
89. I can sit cross legged.
90. I can see different bones in my hands.
91. I weigh less then my mom for the first time in my life.
92. I take care of my body more.
93. I take up way less room in my bed.
94. I can fit into the clothes I wore in college and now they are too big.
95. I look people in the eye.
96. I have more confidence.
97. Realizing I deserve this life.
98. Realizing I deserve my dreams to come true.
99. I cut my hair short.
100. I cook healthy meals and snacks.
101. My family and kids are eating healthier.
102. My kids are realizing what is important and good to eat.
103. My kids now read the labels on foods.
104. Both my husband and I can fit on the couch.
105. Am happy with my body right now.
106. Love seeing my shadow.
107. Love seeing sight of myself in a window.
108. I love the way I eat now.
109. Fast food places disgust me and I have no desire to go there.
110. I am just so thankful every day for this new life.
111. I like going out now, before I didn't want to leave the house.
112. I can fit in a bath tub and can get out again.
113. Went sledding with the kids and climbed up the hill over and over again.
114. Fit into a snow suit I wore when I was 12.
115. Clothes are cheaper to buy.
116. Not thinking everyone is talking badly about me.
117. The depression is gone.
118. I have made some amazing life long friends on my support group site.
119. I have realized that life is a journey worth taking my time on and living, its not a race to the finish.
120. I have realized I still love food and still love to cook and that's ok.
121. I have realized I have so much to be thankful for.
122. I like having goals again and something to work towards.
123. I'm not afraid to meet new people.
124. I want to go to my high school reunion.
125. I have lost more weight then I weigh.
126. I think I mentioned earlier that sex is better, but I can do a lot more positions.
127. Being willing to work on me and recognizing I am a work in progress.
128. Wanting to take a vacation on my own, to New Orleans and meet some of you. I never would have done that before.
129. I walked 22km's and didn't even realize I had walked so far.
130. Am considering my future and what it entails, before I was stuck in a rut.
131. I have taken pictures of myself in a bathing suit.
132. I find I appreciate so much more about my life, I think its because I am actually living it.
133. I am much more in tune with my body and what it signals it needs and I listen.
134. I have been given the gift of dreaming and knowing that I can do anything I want to and nothing is going to stand in my way.
135. I am happy. I am truly happy with this new life.


  • kcpsu18
    kcpsu18 Posts: 36 Member
    I love this, congrats!
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    This is wonderful!:flowerforyou:
  • Congratulations! All the small things really add up! :)
  • drlauram
    drlauram Posts: 40 Member
    Awesome list! Congrats to you!!
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    You rock! Congrats!
  • What an amazing list. You are an inspiration.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    WOWIE those are great! Congratulations on your new life. :flowerforyou:
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    About 3/4 of that applies to me already too, and the first thing I would have said was the airplane seat too! - you have done an amazing job and deserve every one of the 135 NSVs! Well done.
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    Everyone should read this and make a similar list along their journey. Unbelievable!
  • I. Am. Motivated.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    Amazing job! And what a great idea to write out all of those things!
  • pen_thief
    pen_thief Posts: 78 Member
    Loved reading this! I hope to make a similar list one day. A few that stood out to me were the unflattering coats, restaurant tables and camping chairs!! It's a relief to know that it's not just me thinking this stuff.

    My college brought in these desks that they thought were so great. The seat was attached to the desk and they didn't scoot out nearly far enough for fat people to get in or out of with any sort of dignity. It ruined the entire class for me.
  • That's a great list! Good for you! :drinker:
  • cbaac03
    cbaac03 Posts: 152
    This is great! You are amazing! Congrats!!
  • tarag8100
    tarag8100 Posts: 60 Member
    what an awesome post!!!! Hope to one day do one myself :-)
  • beachbum8
    beachbum8 Posts: 82 Member
    Love that!! Way to go!! That's amazing! :)
  • Cameo530
    Cameo530 Posts: 155 Member
    What a great idea and congratulations on all your victories!
  • Timmmy40
    Timmmy40 Posts: 152 Member
    I have to say wow! You are an inspiration.Job well done. I am almost halfway to my goal weight. I am getting stronger and faster. I can actually run now. My endurance is through the roof. Keep Punching!! All Is Possible!! :)
  • Life_Is_Good2_Me
    Life_Is_Good2_Me Posts: 36 Member
    Simply said...INCREDIBLE! I have experienced and thought many of the things on your list. There are many things I have never experienced and I'm so glad that you don't have to experience them any more! Another word that comes to mind is FREEDOM! Many of those things kept you from living a normal life. Congratulations on your achievement and your new lifestyle that is so rewarding! Thanks for sharing:happy:
  • FloridaAimee
    FloridaAimee Posts: 295 Member
    :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
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