Has anyone tried PB2?

It looks almost too good to be true and the nutritional facts are pretty amazing as well!

What are your thoughts? :)


  • bjfrezell
    bjfrezell Posts: 241
    I eat the PB2 chocolate. I also like to add it to my smoothies, greek yogurt, protein drinks, and use it as a dip for apples. Full fat peanut butter is good if you want healthy fats, but it does have a lot of calories compared to PB2.
  • leahandbella
    leahandbella Posts: 9 Member
    PB2 Chocolate!! I order mine from Amazon, much cheaper than what I've seen in my local specialty food stores. I like to mix it into my Chocolate Chip Soft Bake - sometimes I cook it, sometimes I eat the dough raw! Yum.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I grew up on all natural peanut butter so I absolutely love it. People that grew up on stuff more like Jif and Skippy I've found don't take to it quite as quickly, but can still come around. :)

    I eat it, literally, every day. I have it every morning on toast and it is completely delicious and satisfies my PB addiction happily.

    I also have been known to mix it with more than the recommended amount of water and use it as a dessert sauce or add some spices and seasonings and make a sauce for chicken out of it.

    I bake with it and have made frosting as well as cupcake fillings as well.

    It's cheapest to buy in larger amounts online. I've moved from buying cases of the jars to just saving one each of the regular and chocolate jars from a previous order and I just buy cases of the 1lb bags now. Works out to just around $3.25 a jar, shipping included the last time I bought two cases. (I buy directly from Bell Plantation) But you can also order some single serving packets from the website if you'd like to just try it out to see if you like it first.

    That said, I do occasionally still indulge in some full fat, normal all-natural PB when my calories and macros allow it because their is a certain richness to PB with all the natural fats in it that PB2 can't match. But it's a delicious and versatile alternative.
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    just picked up another three jars at the store. I use it every morning in my protein shakes. Great stuff.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I tend to mostly eat standard peanut butter. However, I like adding PB2 to brownie mix or smoothies or pudding to get a protein boost and the peanut butter flavor without a ton of calories.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    It's the best thing ever created! I add it to smoothies and greek yogurt. It's a great amount of protein and it's low cal. You will not be disappointed and it's reasonably priced!
  • travelgirl09
    travelgirl09 Posts: 151 Member
    Love, love, love it! I have it every day!
  • CarrCapp
    Yes, I love it!! I don't know that it would work well for a sanwich but it's been a lifesaver for apple dip, mix-in for greek yogurt. Most of all, I add one tablespoon to my protein shakes for added flavor. I use both the peanut and peanut/chocolate flavors!
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I would like to try it, but I've never seen it locally and I don't care enough to order it online
  • KittyMarie13
    It's awesome and I need to buy more! It's all peanut so it tastes real. I put it in protein shakes to change up the flavor and mix it with a little water to make a paste to eat with apples. I agree with leahandbella that the PB2 Chocolate is great, too.

    For anyone looking to order it you can order directly from the company at http://www.bellplantation.com/ . I signed up and get emails with coupons from them every once in a while. Looking forward to trying the PB Thins.. those sound like a tasty little snack item.
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    Didn't think I would like it, but I do. Sometimes for a snack I have toast, use 1 TBLS of PB2 and 2 TBLS of low fat jelly/jam. You really cannot tell the diff.

    It's really good stuff.
  • miniveganprincess
    I love it
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    I like it and am going to try adding it to my oatmeal for tonight's snack!
  • enigmachik
    enigmachik Posts: 150
    I LOVE IT!!
  • mhouston2011
    It is really worth trying!! I am a self admitted peanut butter addict...like seriously, have been known to grab a spoon at 2am and just start eating. I think the PB2 is better as an add in like other people have said...smoothies, recipes, yogurt...I even add it to sugar free chocolate pudding to get that peanut butter cup flavor.
  • eliz_in_pink
    eliz_in_pink Posts: 278 Member
    Wow! Thanks so much for all the input! I've heard of three places online to buy it (BellPlantation.com, Amazon.com and Netrution.com) I'll have to look into each of the sites and see which one will give me a better deal :)
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I just saw this for the first time yesterday at Whole Foods and picked some up. Can't wait to try!
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    I buy mine from a Low Carb grocery store in Toronto.:love: love it!
  • bltrexler
    bltrexler Posts: 180 Member
    Amazing, both regular and chocolate.
  • grdnr03
    grdnr03 Posts: 547 Member
    i like pb2, found it in our local healthy store, i use it as a pb and j sandwhich mostly, I do like what most posters have used it for. i also like the low cals it has.