Any tips for this regiment?

Tilran Posts: 626 Member
Hi All,

I've been counting calories and working out for about 2 months now and have lost 8 pounds out of the 30 I'd like to lose. I have also droped from a 36 waist to a 34 but hoping to get down to a 32. I've also noticed myself getting toned, but again...not yet enough!

My goal is to build muscle, tone out and get to about 170 lbs. I am 5'8, 32 years old and currently 192 from 200 2 months ago. I use a Polar FT40 HRM when working out.

Below is my excersise pattern. Please let me know what you think and offer any suggestions you may think would help.

I currently work out 7 days a week and incorporate ab excersise in as much as possible with leg lifts and crunches.

Workout schedule: (sorry for the confusion, its just the way I write it out but Day 1 being Monday and Day 7 being Sunday)

Day 1: Cardio 60 min
Day 2: Cardio 10 min ---> Upper Body lifting 30 min ----> abs 10 min
Day 3: Cardio 10 min ----> Lower Body lifting 30 min ----> abs 10 min
Day 4: Cardio 60 min
Day 5: Volleyball league 2 hours of 4v4 games
Day 6: Cardio 10 min ----> Upper Body lifting 30 min ----> abs 10 min
Day 7: Cardio 10 min
> Lower Body lifting 30 min
> abs 10 min

So far it has been working along side with my calorie count, but I am wondering if I can improve anywhere or do anything better.


  • dr3wman
    dr3wman Posts: 205
    Are the short cardio sessions HIIT or steady state? It should be fairly easy to lose weight with that much cardio, but its going to be hard to put on any muscle given you will probably be in a large defecit. Only suggestion I would make is cut down the abs to 2-3 times a week and increase the intensity you train them at. If you can do them back-to-back days, you probably arent hitting them hard enough each workout
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    The short cardio is steady. I use it mostly for warmup but I get to about 140-150 BPM on my HRM.

    As far as the abs, by the second day I have to take a break because I cant even finish my sets....are you saying to get to a point where I do 1 day of abs instead of 2 just work on them more?
  • dr3wman
    dr3wman Posts: 205
    I would personally prefer crunching each of those two ab days into one (pun intended), but it sounds like you have good enough intensity to see results either way. You should be able to reach your goals pretty fast with this amount of activity
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Alright. I am pretty happy with the results I've seen, I was just wondering what I could do better. Maybe I will try upping the ab workout more and see how I do....I just know that right now I have a hardtime sitting up in bed the next morning. lol

    Thanks man.