Crossfit Tips (Newbie)

I have watched countless videos on crossfit and it looks ridiculous, yet interesting at the same time. I want to start doing it, but I need some serious work.

Precursors: I cannot do more than two pullups with them being assisted, I have never done a clean and jerk before, my gym does not have rope climbs, kettlebells or monkey bars and I don't have the best upperbody strength (lower is great, but upper is lacking)

Does anyone have any tips or routines to start working on this? My regiment now consists of just squats, deadlifts, pullups, overhead presses and benchpress.

Even if it is just minor/beginner tips from someone who has done it before.


  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member
    Pretty much you just start and do.

    All CrossFit WODs can be scaled for whatever your fitness level. Seriously, we have a 71yo woman that works out in our CF box, she has the coaches modify the workouts, but she gets he workout on and does it.

    If you are really interested, visit a local CF affiliate. You can find that at and put in your zipcode.

    Just a disclaimer... regardless of your fitness level, if you give every WOD you fullest you will feel like you want to die... or vomit... afterwards. That feeling passes pretty quickly.

    I love CrossFit. It has done wonders not only for my body, but for my confidence also.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    Bump. I'm interested in joining CF as well.
  • xunleashed
    xunleashed Posts: 82 Member
    Pretty much you just start and do.

    All CrossFit WODs can be scaled for whatever your fitness level. Seriously, we have a 71yo woman that works out in our CF box, she has the coaches modify the workouts, but she gets he workout on and does it.

    If you are really interested, visit a local CF affiliate. You can find that at and put in your zipcode.

    Just a disclaimer... regardless of your fitness level, if you give every WOD you fullest you will feel like you want to die... or vomit... afterwards. That feeling passes pretty quickly.

    I love CrossFit. It has done wonders not only for my body, but for my confidence also.

    Thanks for the tips, would love to hear others. I hear the typical CrossFit position after a WOD is on the ground...
  • xunleashed
    xunleashed Posts: 82 Member
    Going to bump up the post since I know I can't be the only one who wants to know about CF.

    When you say modify WOD's, I suppose you mean less weight, or a different workout all together that incorporates the basics of CF?
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    You can go to different websites like or Mountain Athlete and sometimes they give you alternate exercises to do if you can't do what one of the exercises asks you to do. Like I can't do a handstand so a handstand push up would be rather difficult, but I looked and found a variation on how to do one. I think if you don't have a rope to climb, do pull ups. If you don't have a sled do jingle jangles.

    And yes you can modify your weight to meet the workouts.
  • xunleashed
    xunleashed Posts: 82 Member
    So today, the WOD is:

    10 Kettlebell Swings
    10 Box Jumps - 24'' box
    10 Ring Dips

    Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes.

    This may be the perfect day to start doing it, since I can do almost all of these. If my gym does not have kettlebells can I substitute in dumbbells? We have box jumps and I will just do regular dips.
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    Yes.. Anything you can do with a kettlebell you should be able to do with a dumbbell. Granted a KB might be easier.

    I'm here to tell you if you put forth a full effort, you're going to feel whooped and gave out. And you might experience soreness where you never have before. But it passes.

    People can say what they want about CF, but when I get into a CF cycle (I do all kinds of workouts to keep my body guessing) I can see gains almost immediately, not necessarily weight loss or strength, but like running becomes easier. I sleep better at night.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I have watched countless videos on crossfit and it looks ridiculous

    Which is why a lot of people get injured doing it. Flame away crossfiters!
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    I have watched countless videos on crossfit and it looks ridiculous

    Which is why a lot of people get injured doing it. Flame away crossfiters!
    You have a point, but you can get injured doing any exercise if done incorrectly. Form is key.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I have watched countless videos on crossfit and it looks ridiculous

    Which is why a lot of people get injured doing it. Flame away crossfiters!
    You have a point, but you can get injured doing any exercise if done incorrectly. Form is key.

    Proper form is easier to maintain on some things than others.


  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    You can go to any gym any time of the day and you'll find people, crossfitters or not, using improper form. It's natural. I'll be the first to admit that not every rep is proper form for me.

    I get aggrevated when I watch a young kid trying to make sure he hits a high max on bench that he's arching his back and everything. Our coaches in HS got to the point to where they would tie us to the bench if we started doing that.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    You can go to any gym any time of the day and you'll find people, crossfitters or not, using improper form. It's natural. I'll be the first to admit that not every rep is proper form for me.

    I get aggrevated when I watch a young kid trying to make sure he hits a high max on bench that he's arching his back and everything. Our coaches in HS got to the point to where they would tie us to the bench if we started doing that.

    Lower back arch is ok. Shoulder blades up or feet off the floor on the other hand.. And of course you have said teenagers with so much weight on their spotter buddy gets the free set of rows...
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    This is true. I don't agree with the arching of the back in any way, that's just me. We all go with what we're taught. Kinda like squats. Some say parallel, some say don't stop til your butt is almost to your ankles. It all goes back to who taught you how to do it.
  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member
    Yes.. Anything you can do with a kettlebell you should be able to do with a dumbbell. Granted a KB might be easier.

    I'm here to tell you if you put forth a full effort, you're going to feel whooped and gave out. And you might experience soreness where you never have before. But it passes.

    People can say what they want about CF, but when I get into a CF cycle (I do all kinds of workouts to keep my body guessing) I can see gains almost immediately, not necessarily weight loss or strength, but like running becomes easier. I sleep better at night.

    How would you do a KB swing with a dumbell?

    For hand stand pushups if you can't get inverted (which I can but I can't do the pushup part) we usually scale that back to a heavy seated shoulder press.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    When you say modify WOD's, I suppose you mean less weight, or a different workout all together that incorporates the basics of CF?
    Yes either modify by just reducing the weight, or by changing the movement if you can't do that movement at any weight (or if you don't have the equipment).

    You can youtube to see how to swing a dumbbell.

    Sometimes I have to modify every last thing in the workout b/c I'm weaker than the rest of the class. It works out fine.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I did Crossfit for a year at a gym and although I had some great times, I think there are some things that are a bit worrisome. Going for time often means that people will sacrifice form. I ended up getting some intense shoulder pain and was actually pushed to work through it (what?).

    Anyway, I'd say just be careful and look for your options out there because there are others.
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    Yes.. Anything you can do with a kettlebell you should be able to do with a dumbbell. Granted a KB might be easier.

    I'm here to tell you if you put forth a full effort, you're going to feel whooped and gave out. And you might experience soreness where you never have before. But it passes.

    People can say what they want about CF, but when I get into a CF cycle (I do all kinds of workouts to keep my body guessing) I can see gains almost immediately, not necessarily weight loss or strength, but like running becomes easier. I sleep better at night.

    How would you do a KB swing with a dumbell?

    For hand stand pushups if you can't get inverted (which I can but I can't do the pushup part) we usually scale that back to a heavy seated shoulder press.
    I almost messed up and reported you instead of quote.. Phew..

    You can actually go on youtube and type in dumbbell swing and it shows how to do it and it's very similiar to the KB swing. A little awkward, but not bad.

    linanil, you're right at the CF plaes they do that, however, if you're doing it on your own you can take as much time as you need. I did one the other night "for time" and whooped my own butt. Probably not the numbers a pro would put up but it was a workout and I did it at a level I felt comfortable at by not risking form.
  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member
    linanil, you're right at the CF plaes they do that, however, if you're doing it on your own you can take as much time as you need. I did one the other night "for time" and whooped my own butt. Probably not the numbers a pro would put up but it was a workout and I did it at a level I felt comfortable at by not risking form.

    Not all CrossFit gyms are like that. We have several coaches that watch everyone during the entire WOD and correct form as needed. Yes, they stress the "for time" but we also have numerous lectures about how "for time" should be with weights/exercises scaled so that we have a consistent pace and don't compromise form.

    Sure we have people that finish faster than others. I'm probably one of the slower people in my class, and while they encourage me to keep going I have NEVER heard anyone tell me to hurry up as the expense of form.

    You definitely have to be careful with CrossFit gyms and get into a good one (if that is the route you are going). But, you also can't lump them all together as crazy, as-fast-as-you can with crap form, injury prone gyms. It's easier to get hurt if you don't have any instruction or anyone watching your form.
  • xunleashed
    xunleashed Posts: 82 Member
    Okay so I decided to read some articles and go try my first CF WOD....I attempted Cindy:

    5 pullups
    10 pushups
    15 body squats
    AMRAP for 20 minutes

    I lasted all of 10 minutes, completed 5 rounds and thought I was going to die. Some people say they don't like that feeling, but I ABSOLUTELY loved it. I hope to build up my strength and cardio to make it all the way through the 20 minutes, but after the final round, my arms were all tingly and couldn't even do one pushup....awesome feeling.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    I got a living social deal for a crossfit class, so I didn't start immediately. I'm giving myself a couple months to build up strength so it doesn't kill me, I'm starting in October. I've been doing a lot of circuit training to build my endurance. My arms are like 2 wet noodles, so working with kettlebells is helping that. In 4 weeks I've progressed to 15lb kb's which doesn't seem like much to an expert I'm sure but like I said, zero upper body strength!!

    Google circuits that include kb's, burpees, mountain climbs, pull ups, and various popular crossfit moves, and build up your strength!