Can't wait to get started!

My name is Cairn and I need to lose at least 30 pounds. With the kids going back to school, I need to get into a routine of my own. I hope this will help me as I start to lose weight.


  • ladyfingers73
    ladyfingers73 Posts: 80 Member
    Good luck, you can do it!
    I love this site. I use my phone to record everything. I try to be honest and it really helps. I use to try to write everything down and
    would lose the paper and then my conviction. This has really held my interest. Cairn I really need to lose that same 30 pounds.
    It would be nice to follow each other's progress. So I will invite you to be friends. Good luck with your venture. It is our time now.
    Like my grandson say. Go Big or Go Home Grandma!!!!!!!