weightloss surgery...lapband VS Sleeve ???

Im sure this question is here somewhere, i looked but i couldnt find it. Anyway, my husband is looking into getting one of these done, of course i prefer the sounds of the lapband as its not perminant, but there are so many questions and they all scare me.
We went to a conference with many others in reguards to weightloss surgery and now my husband is in the process of starting, just visited with the dr. yesterday and tomorrow he has a couple of other appts along with another next wk.
My question is for those who are familier with both of these options how do you feel about them, or how did they or didnt they work for you??
I am just really worried for my hubby, he is a type 2 diabeticfor the past 4 yrs, he lost his mother almost 5 yrs due to diabetes and he is scared as am I. We have tried eating better, walking, but with not much luck, the energy just isnt there for either of us.
I have much to lose as well, but i dont plan on surgery i plan on trying to eat better, work out more, which we have been ~ as everyone here knows how difficult it is.
I look forward to all of your feedback and any other information about these procedures are more than welcome, please send them my way, i hope this will help others as well :)


  • misslady72
    misslady72 Posts: 37 Member
    FYI...There are 2 more surgeries as far as wls are concerned, not just lapband & sleeve. Were those all he was offered by his surgeon? Personally...and this is just me...I wouldn't do lapband. They have a tendency to fail after awhile. There are groups all over the internet for people with those failed lapband surgeries. I know someone at work who had a failed band and it wasn't pretty. Of course, I am sure there are good things about it too..but he really needs to research them all. I had bypass because it was the more tested method in my mind and I had to be comfortable with my decision. I wanted food restrictions (little to no sugar) because with sleeve you can eat just about *anything* and not have consequences for the most part. I know me...I would test those boundaries. I was pre-diabetic and had high blood pressure.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    I think if your husband does not have other health issues like diabetes, the sleeve is the way to go. I know there are people that have had great success with the lapband...but I know of more that have not. My husband is set to have a sleeve in December. I had the RNY (gastric bypass). But I am a diabetic and for me that was the best choice. Just make sure he understands that woith whatever surgery he might choose...surgery is only a tool. It is not a magic cure for obesity. You still have to put in the work for losing weight. I still have to watch what I eat and exercise regularly. But it is a very good tool to help you reach your goals. Best of luck
  • kimmireads
    kimmireads Posts: 66 Member
    I've had both surgeries band then a sleeve. Both are good tools to aid your husband in his weight loss journey--that is a key to remember--it is a tool--not the end all be all miracle cure. There are two other weight loss surgeries as well the Roux eN Y (Gastric Bypass) and the duodenal switch. Check out all your options thoroughly and discuss your best options with your surgeon. I had to have my band removed by emergency surgery--the sleeve was the surgery my surgeon suggested for me afterwards. You can message me if you'd like to.