Suggestions please!!

I am 51 years old. Started walking on treadmill and using bike at the gym five weeks ago. Average 5 days a week, an hour workout. Eating less than my calories according to fitness pal and I am not losing any weight. I need some suggestions as to what do I do next. I am uncomfortable asking the hard bodies at the gym.


  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    everyone here will first suggest making your diary public so they can see your food. that will be the first step to people offering suggestions and comments. as for me, i would suggest drinking more water. that is an easy answer. many people here believe in the "eat more to weigh less" philosophy, so always being under your calorie goal, according to some people, may be hurting you. if you open your diary, people will be able to help more.