Wii Fit Plus vs MFP - calorie ?

Does anyone else use the Wii Fit Plus? When I log my time on the Wii Fit Plus on MFP, it gives me more calories burned than what my fit says. Today I did 33 minutes (so far, not done yet, will do more this evening) of advanced or high intensity and on the fit it says burned 156 calories. MFP says it calculated it at 192 calories. Thoughts? I don't know if I should worry...well not worry but try to somehow change it! :indifferent:


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Both are probably inaccurate - so maybe just average the 2 and call it good or buy an HRM.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I wore my HRM for the wii fit a couple of times, and it was only a tiny difference for the calories between te two. When in doubt, I either go with the smaller number, or an average of both....