Couch 2 5k



  • bexxgirl
    bexxgirl Posts: 260 Member
    ...I have been a runner for a while, but used to do what I lovingly call "the survival shuffle". ...

    :laugh: Thanks! Now I know what to call that thing I do toward the end of a marathon! :laugh:

    Yeah - my decision to make a conscious effort to change my form was after doing an entire half-marathon with the survival shuffle and getting beaten by a number of walkers... :sad:
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    I started C25K in Feb, I now run 5K 2/3 times a week and 10K once a month
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    I always hated running, but I wanted to do it anyway, because it's so beneficial to one's health.
    When I said here I wanted to start running, I was suggested to use R25K and I am so thankful I decided to follow that suggestion: I am on week 3. Not only I started to like running, but I can see my progress and it's very rewarding.

    I suggest to get a mobile app. I have the app for my WP7 phone and I can listen to my music while I run and the app will only interrupt it to give instructions ("run" "walk" "warmup" "cool down" "half way").
  • azwethinkweizm
    azwethinkweizm Posts: 47 Member
    Yes I've done it and completed it and I would reccommend it to any beginners for sure. I found it so hard starting to run, couldn't get my breathing right and felt I was getting nowhere sometimes but I stuck it out and I'm glad I did! I'm not exactly a runner - more a fast jogger but that's just the pace I like to go. I completed it in February this year and I'm still going strong. 5km is no bother to run now in about 28-30 mins. I did a 4 mile race this weekend (36mins). Did a couple of 10km runs this year (first = 77mins, second =65mins). Also did a 5 mile run (52mins).
    All this started with C25k and now I'm geared up to do a 10mile run next week in Dublin. I'm gonna do a half mararthon next year I'm thinking :smile:
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    im on wk1 day 2 so i litterally just started and will likely repeat wk 1 my stubborn nature has me doing it on the side of my hill lol i got an app and us nooms cardio trainer for calories and as a music player then just transfer the number over tho this reminds me need to find my socks and earbuds in the next half hr
  • surabhit
    surabhit Posts: 94 Member
    It works really well. I've just completed my 9 weeks and was stuck at week 6/7 for a while, but now I'm running a 5k in 36.5 minutes. And 3 months ago I was the types to collapse after 2 mins of jogging. It is superb. But find a way to keep running after you finish the program. That's when you really need to push yourself. Best of luck!
  • TiffanyAching
    TiffanyAching Posts: 50 Member
    yep, i've completed it and run 30mins now, which i still find ridiculous. me? running? does not compute. still do it though lol.
  • chellly
    chellly Posts: 6 Member
    I just started yesterday. Made it through my first day! I can't imagine running for 30 minutes but I'm sticking to it no matter what. I'm really excited about it and have heard great things.
  • clumsygermangurl
    Yes it does work. Stick with it.

    THANKS, I just run outside and I feel like an idiot running and walking!

    Truth is, no one can tell. I started running about 4 weeks ago on my own. It started as a walk during lunch, then a walk run... Now I'm trying to break 3 miles on my half hour break. when I first started I couldn't even cover a quarter mile without stopping.
    Seriously, run/walk at your pace and you'll get there, it's been great for me so far.

    Thanks, I been slowly getting into the groove of it.. Every time I do the app it makes it easier for me that's for sure. Just need to get a new pair of shoes and I will be set Thanks everyone :smile:
  • lintlin
    lintlin Posts: 32 Member
    I did C25K in March and finished in May. Fantastic program! I second the RunDouble app for Android, best buck-sixty I ever spent. I've now moved on to B210k and am running 7km (4.4 miles) 3x a week.

    A little advice from an ex-newbie:
    1. Run slowly. Run as slow as you can and then from there SLOW DOWN. It's not a race. The further along you get the slower you will have to go anyways to be able to run the distances and starting off running fast is a good way to get injured. Most people find they aren't running much faster than they walk, this is ok! If there is an instance where both feet are off the ground, you are running, no matter what speed you are going.

    2. Get fitted for good shoes. No one can tell you what shoes you need to be in without analyzing your gait. Skimp on spending money on t-shirts, shorts, tights, socks--but don't skimp on the shoes. I can't tell you how many people I have seen drop out between weeks 3 and 4 due to some kind of injury, usually due to crappy or old or inappropriate shoes (someone I know tried doing C25K in chucks!). It's not like buying weights or other equipment, even if you stop running you will still be able to wear the shoes.

    3. Be consistent, run 3x a week but not more! I have found if I have 4 days or more between runs, my condition is worse than at the last run, i.e. it feels like I'm starting at 0 again. Running 2 days in a row has gotten me injured. You body builds up it's strength on the OFF days--recovery is at least as important as your running day.

    4. Slow Down. If you can't slow down, refer to number 1.

    Most of all, enjoy it!