Just ordered P90X...and advice???

SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I just ordered P90X yesterday and I would love any advice, pointers, success stories or whatever you may have for me! :wink: I am only 12 lbs from my goal and pretty much just need to tone up. I am not wanting to look like a bodybuider, just more toned and lean. :laugh:

Thanks for any advice you may have!

Jessica :flowerforyou:


  • Jamaica113
    Jamaica113 Posts: 73 Member
    P90x is great....if you are very dedicated. My lifestyle was a bit too hectic for an hour a day. I workout much better with 3 days of exercise a week. However, you will probably get one of the best workouts with P90x because it works muscles you forgot you had. Good luck, just stick with it and keep everyone updated.
  • nnunn
    nnunn Posts: 3 Member
    I just got it too. Mine just came- hope to start soon

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  • Stephomie
    Stephomie Posts: 89 Member
    P90X is awesome! You'll love it, great routines that you have never thought of doing yourself. I have done it, as well as many other Beachbody workouts, for over 2 years and I can't tell you how much they have done for me. Make time for the workouts, and after you've done them a few times, you can FF past his talking and get them done in 45-50 minutes. (Plus Ab ripper). Good luck and keep pushing play.


    PS - You won't get "bulky" without YEARS of heavy lifting, women don't have enough natural testosterone to get musclebound. So, work hard and enjoy the results...and take your pictures, even if no one else sees them!
  • atauds
    atauds Posts: 41
    I love P90X! I'm in the last phase and although I started it long before I joined MFP it's made such a big difference! Less weight, more toned, and more energy. Also, nutrition is an important key. Follow the guide as close as possible.

    Advice on the workout (this worked best for me):

    -Keep pressing play.

    -Keeping consistent on the time of day that I worked out.

    -There may be days when you don't feel like working out or there may be workouts you don't want to do. Just press play and do it to the best of your ability.

    -Ab workout: Do each and every rep. Press pause if you can't keep up and do it at your own pace. But do them. The same goes for the other workouts. You'll get progressively better at them.

    It's well worth it and I wish you all the best.
  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you to all of you that commented. :smile: I am so excited to start now. I wish it was here RIGHT NOW!!! :laugh: I'll have to post at some point after I've started and let you all know how it's going. Thanks again! :smile:

    Be blessed,

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    You will love it!!! It changed my lifestyle completely. Like you, I only had 10 pounds or so to be at my goal weight. I lost 10 pounds plus inches in my thighs & hips. My arms are soooo toned. My body fat % dropped significantly. The 2 best pieces of advice I can give? FOLLOW THE NUTRITION GUIDE (we did the portion approach) & like someone else said above PUSH PLAY EVERYDAY even if you really, really don't feel like it. Personally I added extra cardio on most weight-work days if I had time.

    Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!! Tony & Beachbody are fantastic! (I'm doing Insanity now & plan on going back to p90X in January)
  • I'm on Day 21 of Power90 and looking forward to P90X once we're done...I just had a baby in August and wasn't quite in the physical shape I needed to be in to jump right into P90X...

    But I've only heard great things about it and hopefully its exactly what you were looking for!!

    Tony is great and I'm actually finding myself laughing at his jokes while working out now...lol...
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