
I was hoping to really look different by the end of the summer, but I don't. I go back to college in a week and a half. And suggestions for a little fast, (safe) fat trimming?


  • jpfrimmer
    jpfrimmer Posts: 134
    Do you have before summer/after summer pics? Maybe you should let us be the judge.

    I thought the same thing too. I'm a teacher and I actually gained a few pounds over the summer, but when I went back to my first conference a few days ago everyone was telling me how great I looked and that it looked like I had lost more weight. I wouldn't have thought I looked different, but I guess I do. It's always hard to see the changes in ourselves.
  • cmeroar68
    cmeroar68 Posts: 40 Member
    I think jpfrimmer's idea is a great one! You probably cannot see any change because you look at yourself everyday, so any changes won't be quite so obvious.