Any Adults Who Are Living At Home???



  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    Save your money and move out of your parent's home. They have been enablers long enough.
  • dbarchus
    dbarchus Posts: 42
    "I had lost my job, broke my leg and my bf left me with no way to pay for our place. I had to move back with my mom. I stayed there and went to school because it was easier and helped me save money. I just bought a 4plex in december and gave one unit to my mom for letting me stay there all those years."

    Nice way to give back to your parent. Bully for you!!!!
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    Hi, I currently live with my sister and her husband, I conpletely understand where you're coming from, I'm so grateful that she's letting me live there until I get myself sorted out, but feel a little lost if I'm honest.

    Feel free to add me as I could de with anyone who's in the same situation as me to at least chat to, especially in the evenings, x

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    When I graduated from college, I had a really tough time finding a job, and I stayed at home with my parents. I'm 26 now, and still live there. It's frustrating for me, but I needed to save up for a new car, and am now saving up for condo. My parents are happy to have me, and we get along pretty well. There's no shame in it, but I understand how you feel.

    That said, finish saving up and get a condo. If you want one, they're dirt cheap in a lot of places right now. If you can move out, you probably should at 33. (Though, the same can be said of someone who's 26...)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    i live with my parents but i have 2 kids and i'm single and don't have a job.

    i see nothing wrong with saving money for your future.

    Saving money for your future when you have 2 kids and live at home with no job? Are you going to school or just lacking to be a productive member of society?

    I moved home twice. Once when my life was threatened (my dad had to pick me up from an ambulance at my apartment at 2 am because my son's dad beat my head in) and the other time when my mom was moving from across the state and wanted a roommate to split bills with. The first month I paid the full rent she had no money she kicked me out.

    I don't see a problem with living at home for a good reason but I think there are FAR too many adults living at home because they are lazy.
  • kellyg891
    I'm 24 and I live at home with my parents. I moved out briefly, then lost my job and came home. Seriously saddest day of my life and happiest day of my dad's life. He loves that I'm at home. I hate it. I'm saving up money to buy my own place when they move next year. It's a tough situation for all of us. Except my dad, he'd have my sisters and their husbands and kids living with us if we had the space I'm sure! I liked the independence of my apartment but appreciate my parents for letting me come home, unemployed and depressed. The space is seriously the hardest part for me, I'm a very VERY private person and being stuck in a small 3 bedroom house with my parents, 27 yr old sister and a BUNCH of dogs is very hard for me.

    Let me add, I do now have a job I LOVE. I don't live at home out of convenience or beacuse I don't want to move out. I do it because financially this is the best I can do right now. It'd be silly to rush into moving out and then have to come home again in 3 months!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I realize my situation is not normal but I am 31 and live with my mother. I am autistic and am unable to live independently. Personally I don't see why I can't but I've been told that because in many areas my symptoms are more resembling that of low functioning autism than Asperger Syndrome (the official diagnosis) I cannot live independently. My mother is also unable to live independently due to health related reasons.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    My wife and I are living with her parents with our 2 children as well. We originally moved in because her dad had cancer and needed help. His cancer is gone but now we've found that rent prices have gone up significantly and we can no longer afford rent. So we're saving to buy a house (which we've figured out can actually be cheaper monthly depending on how much we spend).

    So're not alone. And does suck.

    Remember to look into the property tax of an area/home even though its not a monthly bill, if its high then sometimes there isn't much of a difference cost wise from owning or renting.
  • nygrl4evr
    nygrl4evr Posts: 196 Member
    I feel your pain. When my exboyfriend and I broke up I couldn't afford to pay rent, support my daughter, and keep her much loved dog either since all the apartments here charge extra fees plus want pet rent every month. I moved in with my long distance truck driver / brother for a couple of years which was great because he was single and on the road all the time so he was hardly ever home. Then the economy went south and my brother lost the house so back to Mom's house I moved because I still couldn't afford to fully live on my own (my daughter's father thinks child support is optional and the courts are always very forgiving before they will actually enforce an order). Let me tell you, going from a 3 bedroom house with a living room and family room and a 2 car garage mostly all my own to 2 bedrooms in my mother's house sucked. I had to pack almost everything away into storage and still we were busting out of our rooms. To top all of that off my daughter and I get along great with my mother as long as we are not living with her, lol... For some reason she thinks I am back in high school again and that I just cannot parent my high school age daughter by myself even though I was doing it for years before I moved in with her just fine.

    I say though stick it out if you can. Try to get out of the house as much as possible. That is what we did and it helped save our sanity really. When you can eventually afford a place of your own it will be well worth it if you can stand it for now. If not and you really can no longer take it then I say try to go. Ruining your relationship with your parents over having a nicer place to live is never worth it because you only get one set of parents and you don't need all the stress. It isn't healthy at all. Good luck!
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Get out of your parents' home! I am with the girl who said you could have had a good deposit for a house saved by now and if you can't put away at least 12 grand a year you'll never be able to pay a mortgage, utilities, food, car insurance, petrol, internet etc. It's a struggle sometimes, like when something breaks that you're unprepared for... but owning your own home is worth it. Get on your feet and get saving!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm 24 and I live at home.. mainly because I'm subbing as a teachers aid, and there are no jobs as a teachers aid... so you are def. not alone.

    Is this is most ideal situation? No.. but am I making the best I can out of it? Yes.

    I pay my credit card bill, I pay my cell phone bill, plus I pay for whatever other expenses crop up in daily life.. and if I can help my parents out, then I do.

    That 1,000 dollars a month someone said put towards a downpayment can pay a lot of things... and I'd much rather be debt free, then be in debt trying to move out... thats for sure.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Get out of your parents' home! I am with the girl who said you could have had a good deposit for a house saved by now and if you can't put away at least 12 grand a year you'll never be able to pay a mortgage, utilities, food, car insurance, petrol, internet etc. It's a struggle sometimes, like when something breaks that you're unprepared for... but owning your own home is worth it. Get on your feet and get saving!

    I agree, I don't think many people realize the actual cost of owning a house. Most of the time it isn't cheaper then rent.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I'm fairly certain you can find a one bedroom or studio apartment for under $700/month in most places. I don't really understand why you're still with your mother, TBH.
  • Smiling_Sara
    Smiling_Sara Posts: 203 Member
    Get out of your parents' home! I am with the girl who said you could have had a good deposit for a house saved by now and if you can't put away at least 12 grand a year you'll never be able to pay a mortgage, utilities, food, car insurance, petrol, internet etc. It's a struggle sometimes, like when something breaks that you're unprepared for... but owning your own home is worth it. Get on your feet and get saving!

    It isn't that I have never lived on my own, I did it from 19-21 and then from 23-31. I know it takes a lot. That is also the time I ended up with credit card debt so I could pay for my health insurance, doctory bills, food, gas.

    I will also say again, when you have a roommate or a SO, who makes close to what I make, it would be no problem with saving and splitting bills, but that isnt' the case. I am by myself, and after cleaning up my mess ( debt from cc's and hospital bills from a outpatient procedure that left me with thousands of out of pocket expenses ) I can save about $800-1000 a month. I am NOT without bills living with my parents. Maybe it's different in big cities as to how much a "good living" wage is, but I live in a small town in Wisconsin.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm fairly certain you can find a one bedroom or studio apartment for under $700/month in most places. I don't really understand why you're still with your mother, TBH.

    and where would that be?

    Where I live in IL rent for a 1 bedroom or studio, starts at a minimum.. 1000. Plus the utilitles, food and everything else that comes along with renting an apartment.

    It's freaking sick how much people charge to rent a place... and considering I make a little over a grand a month, there is no way I can go anywhere until I'm making at least 30,000 to 40,000 dollars a year.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Where I live in PA your average studio/efficiency is in the neighborhood of $500/mo.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I'm fairly certain you can find a one bedroom or studio apartment for under $700/month in most places. I don't really understand why you're still with your mother, TBH.

    and where would that be?

    Where I live in IL rent for a 1 bedroom or studio, starts at a minimum.. 1000. Plus the utilitles, food and everything else that comes along with renting an apartment.

    It's freaking sick how much people charge to rent a place... and considering I make a little over a grand a month, there is no way I can go anywhere until I'm making at least 30,000 to 40,000 dollars a year.

    lol, do you live in chicago?

    i'm talking about mid sized cities in the midwest/south. she said she lives in wisconsin. i live in Tulsa, Oklahoma and can get a one bedroom for $450 a month. and tulsa isn't a tiny city.

    you can also buy houses in small towns here for $25k
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i'm moving back to my folks' place for about 6 months. need to save money and pay off some bills. i'm 29, single, and it's just temporary so i'm not too worried. frankly, i'm a little excited. i live in DC and the cost of living is atrocious.
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    I'm 29 and have been in your exact situation, except I have a child, so the saving money part is extremely hard for me. I have moved out about 3 times, only to end up back home in the end because my baby daddy is a POS and doesn't provide anything for us. So it's almost impossible for me to be on my own unless I want to collect welfare and food stamps and such. Which I don't, because I would rather live here at home with my most favorite people in the world. I as well pay rent, and help with all the chores. In return I get 2 rooms, one for me and one for my son.
    I do however feel a little bummy sometimes as well. It just feels like you can't grow up, when you are already a grown *kitten* woman! I hate the feeling sometimes, but I agree... I'm so grateful for my parents and all the help they have provided.
    All in all, the economy is crummy. There are many people who are living in multiple person homes now a days. I have a few friends who live at home with their parents and children. Cost of living is greater than our income... what can you do about that?!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i have a little bit of a different situation. my mom and i are roommates. neither one of us can afford to live alone. so we share a house and we split the bills so that it's the same percentage of pay for each of us.