Hey ya'll

Hello, I joined MyFitnessPal yesterday and so far really enjoying the tools and community support I've seen from lurking around. I'm 23 and been overweight all my life and ready for a change which lead me to this site. I played sports including football, basketball and baseball growing up and even though big, was very athletic. My family moved away from the school we were going when I was starting 8th grade and the new school didn't have a football program and their basketball program wasn't all that great so I didn't go out for it. I started getting interested in computers in high school and since I only still played baseball, spent more time on them than I should have. After high school I went straight to work in IT and held a desk job at which point my weight got worse. Over the course of 5 years since graduating high school I've put on 150lbs which puts me at........525lbs.

I'm ashamed to say the least and at 23 I'm lucky so far to not have any diseases or complications outside of shortness of breath yet. Both sides of my family have a history of diabetes and both of my parents have it so I'm definitely wanting to start now and my goal is to get down to 225lb or less and then build muscle. Right now I'm counting calories and working out by walking a mile each day and doing 2+miles on a stationary bike. I'm only on Day 2 so still very new to making sure I track everything and how to cook new low calorie and low fat foods.

Anyways, if there is anyone around here that lives in North Central Arkansas who would like to support each other or maybe has been where I am or they are there now that would like a work out buddy or something, let me know.