Seriously, why?

Hey everybody,

So for the last two weeks I have been focusing really hard on weight loss. I have been staying at or under my calories (and actually remembering to track them!) and doing a full workout (cardio and strength) every second day. Plus I walk 15 minutes to and from work most days and am pretty active in my daily life.

I also went from drinking 4-5 cans of pop a day down to one or zero per day (sometimes I need caffeine in the morning and I really hate coffee). I stopped eating McDonald's two or three times a week and stopped keeping chips and other bad snack foods at home.

So, after two weeks of all this work... I have not dropped a single pound, according to my scale. Yes, my cardio is better and I feel stronger, but the number on the scale has not changed at all. Is this normal? Why am I not losing weight? I feel like I've worked so hard, and I know there are plateaus in weight loss, but shouldn't all that sacrifice have made SOME difference? Shouldn't the exercise have done SOMETHING?

Can anyone explain this to me? Please and thank you for your time :)


  • 1MoreRep91
    You're gonna hate this answer.. but you need to be PATIENT! We all want results NOW otherwise we figure what we're doing isn't working. Give your body a chance to react to what you're putting it through. Stick to the workout program you have! If you say you are coming in under your target calorie intake then the weight has to come off. There's no other way around it.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Our bodies hold onto water when we start a new exercise routine to help our muscles heal. This can mask the weightloss for the first couple of weeks. Give it time and the scale will start to cooperate again.
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    Some scales have a two-pound "memory." If your weight has changed by less than two pounds in either direction since the last time you weighed yourself on it, it will show the same number, because your weight can fluctuate that much in a single day. Keep on truckin', and consider taking some measurements to give yourself an alternative way to measure progress.
  • ncthomas09
    ncthomas09 Posts: 322 Member
    Keep in mind muscle mass weighs more that fat so if you are increasing exercise or whatever be sure to take measurements because you may not be losing weight but can be losing inches! So don't get to tied to the number the scale shows you. Also be sure to drink LOTS of water!!! I have found the weeks I don't drink enough water the weight is a little harder to come off but it still does. And like an above poster said be patient! It took me a couple weeks before I got the scale to move.
  • Healthy_Melva
    Healthy_Melva Posts: 91 Member
    No matter if I have a lot or a little to lose, I'm always a slow starter. In the many weight loss programs I've tried over the years, I was alway envious of my pals who would lose 5# the first week, while the scale didn't budge for me at all. It have found over the years, that's just the way my body works. I'll go several weeks with no loss, but I will drop several pounds in the next few weeks if I just stay with it.

    Our bodies are very individual. I believe in the calorie in/calorie out science. If it continues not to work for you, you may want to have a check up with your doctor. There are many reasons why the body will hold onto weight, and some simple blood tests can tell if it is a medical reason or if you do just have to hang in there and be patient, as hard as that is.

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    You gained muscle and lost weight. Simple.

    Do measurements and track your non-scale progress with the measurements...sometimes the scale says no loss but the measurements are smaller.

    Don't get discouraged...chin up!
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    Keep in mind muscle mass weighs more that fat so if you are increasing exercise or whatever be sure to take measurements because you may not be losing weight but can be losing inches! So don't get to tied to the number the scale shows you. Also be sure to drink LOTS of water!!! I have found the weeks I don't drink enough water the weight is a little harder to come off but it still does. And like an above poster said be patient! It took me a couple weeks before I got the scale to move.

    lol...what weighs more? a pound of feathers or a pound of rocks? neither...they both weigh the same. This holds true for a pound of fat and pound of muscle.

    Sounds to me like she gained muscle and lost fat and will notice the change in inches...happened to me.

    Happy weight loss all!
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Happened to me - gave up sugar and caffeine, walked everywhere, nothing. Then, 40 lbs within a few months. Keep at it for another 2 months at least, you'll see the difference.