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will this affect my weigh in

hi everyone i have been ill for the last 3 days with a stomach bug in this time i have barely eaten but i forced a bit of food down and drank water,had no more than 400 cals a day(my normal is around 1800)

my weigh in is at the end of the week my question is am i likely to maybe lose more weight cause of illness,or will it make no difference at all


  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    With any illness you will lose some appetite, but the thing to be careful of is when you start feeling better you get a HUGE appetite. Just be careful of that.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    It will probably make you appear to have lost more than you really did, at least that's what happens to me. When I'm sick, I usually lose about 3 pounds from being sick alone if it's the kind that takes my appetite. But usually when I'm getting better I notice that I can't eat as much as I did before I got sick. It almost seems that my stomach shrinks when I don't feel like eating for a while. So.. because of that I can usually maintain the loss if I try my best to get back to normal eating habits slowly.