Need Help!!!!

I started my journey on February 14, 2012 of all days to start but I was entering into a competition at work and it was the day chosen. On top of it I am a teacher and all the kiddos bring in treats - Ugh! However, I was determined to win the competition AND I DID! I was really excited and I have continued to lose but at a much slower rate and I am beginning to lose steam.

I need help!!!!! I feel really good about myself and I exercise EVERY day because I love it but I am finding myself exercising to eat more junk. I haven't lost anything in weeks except the same 2 pounds. I go up, then down, then up, then down. I challenged my husband to a competition over 4 weeks ago but that is turning out to be a joke. I lose, he gains....he isn't into it.

If you have gone through this too....what do I do to get remotivated?????


  • Dandawa
    Dandawa Posts: 97
    No I have not gone through that same thing for I have a lot weight to lose. But for me I have just said and say daily what my WHY is and I realize that if I am going to work this hard I better not mess it up. I have said to myself as I am turning 40 next July that for one year everyday I will do one thing to improve my physical health both exercise and eating. I had a rough day actually I am having rough weeks my toddler is throwing killer temper tantrums tonights was 2 hours no joke (taking her to dr Monday) and I wanted to just crawl into bed and sleep when she finally settled.
    But no I have promised this to MYSELF so I got my 13 year old and at 10.45 at night we pulled off a 40 min bike ride, know I promise you I am not eating JUNK to mess up that time spent no way.
    I suggest you just have a huge talk to yourself, what do you want really maybe you do not truely care about those last few lbs maybe they are not bugging you.....
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    The forums always help me to get motivated especially the success stories with the pics. I feel like if a normal person and not a celebrity can do it then so can I. I guess maybe rethink why it is you started to lose the weight in the first place and what your goal was and see if it has been achieved or if you need a new goal. I hope this helps.