Anorexia, Bulimia and all other eds!!!



  • uncovering_me
    Need to get my *kitten* into gear.. Keep gaining weight.. Too depressing. <\3
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    While I appreciate the spirit of the OP's post, I also believe that it came off as a bit dismissive. ED's are dangerous, deep disorders with the potential to kill you. Those who "are proud" of it aren't actually proud, they are simply drowning and have no other identity to grasp onto. It's heartbreaking.

    My own mother was (is?) an anoretic. It nearly killed her, literally. She had a heart attack and even then, did not get serious about recovery. She eats normally now, but has done untold damage to her body. I cannot understand - disordered eating has never been an issue of mine. But I can at least understand that her experience is valid, real, and goes beyond simply vanity.

    Too many people make the assumption that eating disorders are, at their roots, an issue of vanity. That ignorance can kill others. It's tragic and should never be put across as such.
  • growingsmaller3
    growingsmaller3 Posts: 30 Member
    While I appreciate the spirit of the OP's post, I also believe that it came off as a bit dismissive. ED's are dangerous, deep disorders with the potential to kill you. Those who "are proud" of it aren't actually proud, they are simply drowning and have no other identity to grasp onto. It's heartbreaking.

    My own mother was (is?) an anoretic. It nearly killed her, literally. She had a heart attack and even then, did not get serious about recovery. She eats normally now, but has done untold damage to her body. I cannot understand - disordered eating has never been an issue of mine. But I can at least understand that her experience is valid, real, and goes beyond simply vanity.

    Too many people make the assumption that eating disorders are, at their roots, an issue of vanity. That ignorance can kill others. It's tragic and should never be put across as such.

    I am beyond words right now. This is entirely to true, much more eloquently put than I ever could, and it makes me happy to see that other people are actually educated about this. <3
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    While I appreciate the spirit of the OP's post, I also believe that it came off as a bit dismissive. ED's are dangerous, deep disorders with the potential to kill you. Those who "are proud" of it aren't actually proud, they are simply drowning and have no other identity to grasp onto. It's heartbreaking.

    My own mother was (is?) an anoretic. It nearly killed her, literally. She had a heart attack and even then, did not get serious about recovery. She eats normally now, but has done untold damage to her body. I cannot understand - disordered eating has never been an issue of mine. But I can at least understand that her experience is valid, real, and goes beyond simply vanity.

    Too many people make the assumption that eating disorders are, at their roots, an issue of vanity. That ignorance can kill others. It's tragic and should never be put across as such.

    I am beyond words right now. This is entirely to true, much more eloquently put than I ever could, and it makes me happy to see that other people are actually educated about this. <3


    Most people with eating disorders are consumed by the mental disorder and wish nothing more than to NOT think about weight loss, food and exercise all day long. Even more so, why many don't ever get diagnosed (as with a number of other mental disorders) because the taboo around them and being worried that the reaction will be "get over it", "what's wrong, you aren't fat?" and "you're being so selfish."

    Sometimes, it goes hand in hand with depression, and as with depression (to whichever degree), the reason why many mask this too, is because of many of the same reasons; shame, people's reactions that "they should cheer up, it's not all that bad" or that they are being selfish.

    This is also adds to why in real life, they are secretive about their problems and also on here, their actual real food and diaries are the only indicator of calorific intake.

    I understand the OP's jist in the initial post, but believe me, they aren't proud and sometimes would like nothing more to be able to lose or maintain weight and not look in the mirror and see something they hate and be like many others that can eat healthily, exercise within reason and have a life that isn't consumed by thinking about calories in / calories out, what they look like and what others think about them ALL the time.
  • xoalynnxo
    xoalynnxo Posts: 200 Member
    Because this site is primarily a food tracking website.

    Some would argue that being obese is just as much of an eating disorder as being underweight. You're pretty much killing yourself either way and lack self control with both issues.

    Thaaank you!

  • xoalynnxo
    xoalynnxo Posts: 200 Member
    While I appreciate the spirit of the OP's post, I also believe that it came off as a bit dismissive. ED's are dangerous, deep disorders with the potential to kill you. Those who "are proud" of it aren't actually proud, they are simply drowning and have no other identity to grasp onto. It's heartbreaking.

    My own mother was (is?) an anoretic. It nearly killed her, literally. She had a heart attack and even then, did not get serious about recovery. She eats normally now, but has done untold damage to her body. I cannot understand - disordered eating has never been an issue of mine. But I can at least understand that her experience is valid, real, and goes beyond simply vanity.

    Too many people make the assumption that eating disorders are, at their roots, an issue of vanity. That ignorance can kill others. It's tragic and should never be put across as such.

    very well said! thank you!
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    To be completely honesty, I think sometimes this site actually can perpetuate eating disorders. There are so many people here who bash people who are over weight, or obese that it can actually be triggering. People congratulate each other for being under their goal without actually reading their diary. I try to keep friends on my list who are focused on health, and lifestyle change.

    There's a lot more behind eating disorders than wanting to be skinny.