Back Exercises/Stretching Ideas??

I'll just start off by saying that my doctor has a month long waiting list, and I work a full-time job, so I won't be able to go to a clinic until Friday evening at the earliest, but I DO plan on going to see a doctor.

I started my first desk job about a month and a half ago, and my office chair is HARSH on my upper back. It's absolutely killing me. It's a small office, and there are clients in and out, so while I try to stand up and move around more often than not I have to be seated in the chair from hell. Anyway, this has lead to a tense and sore pain in my upper back between my shoulder blades that is driving me up the wall. I took Friday through Monday off from exercising in an attempt to ease some of the stress on my back, but being back at work the last two days has just made things worse.

After I get things checked out by a doctor, assuming I'm given the go-ahead, does anyone have any suggestions for stretches that'll work my back out? I have a feeling it's just stiffness and tense muscles.

Any advice at all??


  • Bummmp?
  • Feeling a bit better today, but still curious about those upper back stretch ideas.
  • pietomb00
    pietomb00 Posts: 69 Member
    horny cat / scaredy cat stretches are quite good (In case that doesn't mean anything - horny cat is on your knees, hands on floor and lean back keeping your hands where they are, scaredy cat is on all fours and rounding your back like a cat does when it's scared.

    Also, just holding onto something and leaning back stretches your upper back. You could do light loaded lat pull downs and all kind of row exercises.

    But ask your Dr about it when you can as backs are really quite easy to injure, and hard to repair. Always try to sit upright and not lean back on your char, but without curving your lower back too much (I'm sure you know that already sorry!)