Need friends! Anyone 5'7 and addicted to food !?



  • SLBry6024
    SLBry6024 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi I'm 5' 7 and 178lbs. I love to loose about 30-40 lbs.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    i know the feeling! i am 5'7 and 19lb of 30 down so i know where you are coming from
    I have succeeded by cooking more for myself
    then i know how to make yummy healthy food

    also - planning!
    every day i have 2 meals planned ( and often pre- prepped [i.e. i make batches and portion out / freeze portions and prep lunch the night before] and 2 healthy low sugar snacks there every day so i a ready for what ever comes and have no excuses - also i don't take my wallet to work and then i can't go out for 3pm munchies

    also exercise i have taken on 2 hobbies i love hula hoop and pole dancing which i can't wait to do so there is no " i don't feel like exercise today"
    and for the final 11 lbs
    i have given myself the challenge : if i want it i have to make it - from pizza to ice cream to chocolate if i want it i am going to have to figure out how to make it!

    (challenging myself to new challenges regularly really helps me and stops me from getting bored and falling off the wagon!.

    good luck
    you CAN do it!
  • annra
    annra Posts: 12
    hi I am 5.7 amń need loose also 30pounds, so add me!