Introducing myself

Hello all!!

My name is Dorothy and I am ready to begin living a healthier life style! That being said, I am not new to this site but have had many speed bumps along my mission....I have decided to stop letting my busy life be an excuse. I am a mother of three beautiful girls ages 8, 4 and 2. I live in sunny Florida and although most would think how wonderful it is to live by the beach and a place that is almost always warm....The summers are brutal and way too hot to be outside..unless your at the beach!

I have been overweight mot of my life and am currently 250 lbs. yes I know its pretty bad. The biggest problem for me is that I don't know why Im so overweight. Yes, I know the scientific stuff but really I am not a couch potato who sits around eating all day long. I am active with my girls and eat normal amounts of food. I eat fast food maybe twice a month, don't fry any of my food and eat all my servings of fruits and vegetables everyday. My weakness is making myself consistently go to the gym and keeping myself from snacking on the food that my girls eat. They are like little birds, they don't eat much at any one time but they are eating all day long! I know that if I'm eating one little thing here and there those calories add up. Another huge calorie intake for me is the wine and beer on the weekends...

Now with MFP I can track everything that goes into my body and concentrate on getting to the gym for my Zumba classes and power circuit. I am hoping that I can stick to this and be successful...
