Green Coffee Bean Extract?



  • bethanytowell
    bethanytowell Posts: 256 Member
    I tried the Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract, It was horrible. I still have a half full bottle in my cabinet. It may be a coincidence, but while taking it, I had HORRIBLE headaches, Stomach aches, NO bowel movements. I did not notice any weight loss. I did however have an energy boost for about 1 week. It did not find it useful but to each their own and its always worth a try.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Yeah, I'm not willing to 100% say these pills are making me lose weight but I continue to lose so I'm going to continue to take them. It could be that just watching my diet better like I am I'd be losing anyway but since I have another bottle after this one I might as well keep it up. But, I feel like the pills are at least helping with controlling my appetite (even if it's a placebo effect it is a help) so that is something. And I've combined exercise and diet before and haven't lost 5 pounds in a week so who knows.

    Anyway, for the person who asked: I am taking one I got on Amazon. The pills are 800mg each and also contain 100mg of Rasberry Ketone and 10mg of some other supplements. I know Dr. Oz says take the pure ones but these have been working fine and I liked that they are 800mg in only one pill. I am taking a pill 30 minutes before each meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) with a full glass of water. I also take Rasberry Ketones separately and CLA.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I tried the Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract, It was horrible. I still have a half full bottle in my cabinet. It may be a coincidence, but while taking it, I had HORRIBLE headaches, Stomach aches, NO bowel movements. I did not notice any weight loss. I did however have an energy boost for about 1 week. It did not find it useful but to each their own and its always worth a try.

    Wow! That is horrible...I'd stop taking it too if I had that reaction!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Well, I started taking it Saturday, and I lost like 3.5 pounds between today and saturday. I did NOT work out, and I think I ate pizza twice!

    I worked out for 2 weeks straight, didn't lose a pound, or an inch. I took these for a few days, just did normal activities, grocery shopping, walking, etc. and lost 3.5. Could be coincidence, but I have two bottles, we'll take the rest and see if loss continues. So far so good.

    I did and still do feel just a twinge of energy....but I think mostly the energy's come from working out and just being more active the last few weeks...but even a little boost is a welcomed boost. :smile:

    LOL I ate pizza twice too... mmmmm Pizza Hut! :)
  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    If Dr. Oz endorses it, I stay away from it. They don't work. They're crap. Raspberry ketones are too. Dr. Oz gets paid to endorse these products. That's why he peddles them on his show. Don't waste your money on this stuff. You're not losing because of the pills.
  • HeatherLynnO
    HeatherLynnO Posts: 20 Member
    If Dr. Oz endorses it, I stay away from it. They don't work. They're crap. Raspberry ketones are too. Dr. Oz gets paid to endorse these products. That's why he peddles them on his show. Don't waste your money on this stuff. You're not losing because of the pills.
  • HeatherLynnO
    HeatherLynnO Posts: 20 Member
    I appreciate all of you who say, it doesn't work, I'm thankful for your reviews, and like I said, appreciate you taking the time to weigh in on the subject, I will continue to be interested in hearing what others have experienced, so I hope you wouldn't fault me for continuing to take them, seeing is how the scale IS moving down (for me), and I'm not having any negative side effects to speak of.

    I don't think there's a magic pill that will just make me the weight I want to be, I am working out and watching what I eat or I wouldn't be here at MFP. But if there's something that will help me in that endeavor, and it doesn't make me sick, or make me gain weight, then I don't see any harm in giving it a whirl. What works for some people doesn't work for others....

    I started this post to share my experience and learn of yours, so please, if you would be so kind, no bashing anyone for trying something in hopes in seeing results that they so desperately hope to achieve.

    Thanks In advance,
    ~Heather Lynn~
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I believe this is the main study cited by those touting green coffee extract:

    Seems like a decent study, though the number of participants was quite small and the washout period was a bit shorter than I would like to have seen. I read a few other human studies, such as one examining sugar absorption and one comparing fat loss when green coffee extract was consumer compared to regular roasted coffee. In all these studies, those who took green coffee bean extract were found to have improved biomarkers, such as lower sugar absorption, greater fat loss, ect. There's still no conclusive evidence for what could be the cause. It may be chlorogenic acid, which is broken down when coffee beans are roasted. Hopefully larger future studies will lead to more definite conclusions.

    It is important to note in all these studies that the weight loss differences between the two groups was relatively small. From what I could find, there tended to be about a five pound difference. Not very much, and not very conclusive considering the size of the study. However, I can appreciate that some of you want to try something to bump up your weight loss, even if only by a little bit. Green coffee bean extract at least has some decent studies to support its role in weight loss, though they're still in their infancy.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I believe this is the main study cited by those touting green coffee extract:

    Seems like a decent study, though the number of participants was quite small and the washout period was a bit shorter than I would like to have seen. I read a few other human studies, such as one examining sugar absorption and one comparing fat loss when green coffee extract was consumer compared to regular roasted coffee. In all these studies, those who took green coffee bean extract were found to have improved biomarkers, such as lower sugar absorption, greater fat loss, ect. There's still no conclusive evidence for what could be the cause. It may be chlorogenic acid, which is broken down when coffee beans are roasted. Hopefully larger future studies will lead to more definite conclusions.

    It is important to note in all these studies that the weight loss differences between the two groups was relatively small. From what I could find, there tended to be about a five pound difference. Not very much, and not very conclusive considering the size of the study. However, I can appreciate that some of you want to try something to bump up your weight loss, even if only by a little bit. Green coffee bean extract at least has some decent studies to support its role in weight loss, though they're still in their infancy.

    Also found this interesting when talking about green coffee bean
  • hollyjeanw
    Without reading hardly any of this, and not even knowing what ELSE is in this "green coffee bean extract" I just want to point out that green coffee beans are simply raw coffee beans. It's. Just. Coffee. If there is another ingredient in this extract stuff it's just the latest fad. You know the rest of the story...
  • klalaw
    klalaw Posts: 142 Member
    I've tried it. While I'm generally skeptical of "miracle pills," I did some research on this one, and it didn't seem to be touted as one. Rather, it seemed like a supplement with no adverse side effects that could help incrementally with weight loss. After taking it for a couple of months, I can't really say whether it worked or not - I lost weight, but I had been losing previously as well simply by tracking on MFP and being really good about monitoring my daily calorie intake, and the rate of loss seemed to me to stay about the same over time. I suppose there could be a mild placebo affect for me, as if I'm putting out the extra cash to buy and take the supplement, I'm likely to be more careful about what I'm eating, as I don't believe that it gives me a free pass to pig out and still lose weight.
  • easycure
    easycure Posts: 152 Member
    I have been taking them for three months. Loosing weight great, but have no clue if its related to the pills tho? (I started taking them as soon as I started mfp and my change of eating.) I will tell you I started suffering from horrible heart palpitations, and came to find out, that it was the pills. I was taking two of them in the morning. I have cut them out as of three days ago and my heart problems have ceased. I also am not loosing as steadily as I was in the last 3 days? (its about time to start my monthly friend, so it might be related to that) Again, don't know if they are actually related.
  • TakinSexyBack
    TakinSexyBack Posts: 300 Member
    Why do some people have to be complete jerks and make comments that everyone could do without? Anyway, the reason I am interested in them is I read that they can help lower cholesterol. Anyone heard this?
  • Vanessahogan03
    Vanessahogan03 Posts: 27 Member
    My mother has done it. And lost 7 lbs her first week. The second week she was up top 15 pounds lost. She didnt change anything in her diet. Nor did she excercise. I am on day 3 of the pills and I feel smaller especially around the belly area. I will be weighing myself in the morning.
  • Vanessahogan03
    Vanessahogan03 Posts: 27 Member
    I forgot the name of the acid, but anywho its the main compound that is found in the pure green coffee bean extract and its suppose to suppress the glycogen production in the liver. This allows for less glucose to be released in the blood stream, which causes the body to burn up fat reserves. I think this would be a great start with helping with cholesterol.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I drink Nescafe Green Coffee every day, have done for about a year now. It's better than normal coffee & way better than green tea. I love it, no need for sugar at all & there is none in it. I doubt it's the cause of any weight loss in huge amounts, but it's sure nicer than tea.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    It will probably only work for you if you don't do your research. The placebo effect is a strong one! Us nutrition science majors never get the benefits of these miracle pills :( school brainwashed us.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    Almost done with my 1st bottle but my weigh ins not until, September 22nd I start my 2nd bottle Tuesday ... I'll post results the 22nd ;)
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    wow.. i googed it and seems lagit.. and not harsh chemicals or anything.. not too pricy either
    wonder if u can ONLY get it online or in stores too or???
    i have 50-60 more pounds to loose so a boost and help would def be nice!!
  • HeatherLynnO
    HeatherLynnO Posts: 20 Member
    To those of you who wrote in....thanks, and glad to have you aboard this topic, for those of you who seem to think that writing in telling us that we're all idiots, high on the placebo effect, save your sarcasm, your negativity....I started this topic for people who have tried it, want to try it, or generally have knowledge particular to green coffee bean extract....If I wanted snarky comments, I'd watch Tosh.0.

    Keep the comments which actually pertain to green coffee bean extract a'coming. I've been on it a little over a week now, and I've lost some pounds, and I didn't work out at all last week, due to some medical crap, and I didn't gain any of those pounds back while I wasn't working out.

    I don't think this is a "miracle pill"....but I also can't rule it out as being useless in the realm of weightloss either. So those of you who are taking it, keep checking back, let us know how you're doing....for those of you who are thinking about trying t, keep checking back for progress reports for those of us who are already trying it. :)

    Have a great Labor Day everyone!
