losing weight, increasing waist?

when i started here 2 1/2 years ago, i weighted 153. my measurements were 13 inches for my neck, 36 inches for my waist and 43 inches for my hips. i lost 30 pounds and my neck got down to 11.5, my waist 28, and my hips 40. i maintained that for a year. this year, my intention was to lose the last 15 pounds. instead my weight went up and so did my measurements. i blame this partially on going through fertility treatments (unsuccessfully) and partially on overeating for comfort.

i have finally gotten it back together and have been losing weight. however, my measurements don't seem to reflect that. currently, my weight is 130 and my measurements are 12.5 inches for my neck, 34 inches for my waist and 40 inches for my hips. last month my weight was 131 and my measurements were neck 12, waist 32.5 and hips 40.5.

i am short (5 foot) and have my calories set to lose 3/10 of a pound a week so losing 1 pound in a month is accurate. i walk 3-5 miles 3-4 days a week. i ran three half-marathons in april, may and june, but my doctor has me on restricted movement for the time being, so i had to give up running, roller hockey and brazil butt lift.

i have pcos/pof and take hormone replacement therapy. for the last 3-4 months, i have been having trouble with getting my hormones to be where they should be, especially estrogen. i am currently on injectables (nightly hormone injection shots) and i wonder if that is the reason for the large increase in my waist area?

or could it be caused by the decreased exercise, even though i am losing weight? is it a sign of diabetes? i have insulin resistance and am on 2000mg metformin, but i am always worried about it changing from insulin resistance to diabetes because of my family history.

can i get some (gentle) advice regarding how to handle this? low impact exercises that might help? suggestions to take back to the doctor who i will see next week?

thank you.


  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    wish I had some advice for ya...I dont. {{hugs}}
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Well usually weight loss + inches increase is the result of lean mass loss.

    I can't see your diary but how much do you eat and what kind of exercise do you do?

    I have PCOS and also had to do infertility treatments ( I was a surrogate mother 4 times) those hormones can really mess you up.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    We all put on weight different places - and that really is genetic. Women tend to put it on hips and thighs. That kind of sounds like your measurements, doesn't it?

    You are pretty petite, so even at your current much lighter weight, you still are carrying more weight than you could. As you lose, it will come off your waist and hips.

    And exercise really will make you look much better (and be healthier). Muscle is denser than fat (so smaller pound for pound). And it holds everything together so you look better. Someone posted a picture of themselves the other day at the same weight with and withough exercise and the difference was incredible.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    The difference in hips and neck could just be mismeasurement or measuring in a slightly different spot, but that is a pretty large increase in your waist size and is (medically) a scary measurement for a waist on such a small person. I'm not terribly familiar with all those hormones, but it would make sense you would store fat for impending pregnancy, in evolutionary terms. When was your last period?
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    The difference in hips and neck could just be mismeasurement or measuring in a slightly different spot, but that is a pretty large increase in your waist size and is (medically) a scary measurement for a waist on such a small person.

    i agree. i am not worried about the hips at all. i do feel like my face is chunkier, but that is not a huge issue. the gain in my waist bothers me a lot.
    I'm not terribly familiar with all those hormones, but it would make sense you would store fat for impending pregnancy, in evolutionary terms. When was your last period?

    my last 'period' was in may. it was also a miscarriage. i typically have 4-5 medically induced bleeds a year, but not a normal period.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Well usually weight loss + inches increase is the result of lean mass loss.

    I can't see your diary but how much do you eat and what kind of exercise do you do?

    I have PCOS and also had to do infertility treatments ( I was a surrogate mother 4 times) those hormones can really mess you up.

    being a surrogate mother is a very generous thing. thank you for doing that.

    i have opened my diary for the day. i eat around 1400-1500 calories on average. we eat out a lot and i have lots of days that i overeat. my exercise consists of walking 3-5 miles 3-4 days a week. i log all my walking at 45 minutes at 3.0 regardless of actual length/speed because i'd rather underestimate, rather than overestimate. i was doing brazil butt lift for a month, but had to stop that and all exercise other than walking on 7/25. before that, i played roller hockey and ran half marathons. i don't enter those into the exercise log because i consider that part of my lifestyle (i have set myself as lightly active, even though i am completely sedentary without those activities).
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Is pregnancy a possibility at this point?
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Is pregnancy a possibility at this point?

    no. :(
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    anyone else have anything for me?
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Talk to your doctor, but estrogen specifically causes fat deposition near the site of the injection. It also causes calories to be stored as fat rather than shed or used.

    When my sister was undergoing this type of theory she put on a lot of weight. She had been very, very thin and become very pear shaped and actually gained almost 100 pounds (eating contributed to this a lot, but still).

    It does sound hormonal, but your doctor will know. Good luck!