Frustration galore



  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    The above poster needs to be honest with themselves..Deep down they know eating pizza for dinner, eating cake for snack and eating donuts for breakfast aren't going to get the results you so desire... Is that few minutes of of joy eating that crap worth more than the REAL joy you will feel when you reach your long term goals ? For me .. no it's not.. So I make choices to eat better.. Do I slip up ? Oh yes I have and I do .. But I am not on here posting about gaining weight when the day before I ate bad all day ...

    I agree with this...and not just to the OP but I've seen a lot of food diaries on MFP that have what most people would consider poor dietary choices. I don't eat clean and I love my fast food/eating out, I try to pick the lower calorie choices (45 cal bread vs 110 cal, lower cal yogurts, etc) and I have to watch my carbs (dm2) so I'm conscious of that as well. I don't exercise yet but I'm working on it if I can get the new bike assembled.

    I'm no newbie to dieting/lifestyle change but I do know you can't eat what you were eating before and expect to lose the weight. And it is true, the joy of eating that donut or cake is momentary on the lips but sticks on the hips and for me if I'm going to indulge in a treat (and work it into my plan), I will make better choices for the rest of the day to encourage the weight loss.

    To the OP, you have to find what foods work for you, eating less than you were before you were "watching" = weight loss
    Try cutting back on some of the junky food, see if after a week of better food choices, you do lose weight. Good luck and hang in there.
  • siriusalien
    Hey, I thought MFP was a learning tool. Diet, if it's going to work, is a life change. So when you check on some one's diary and give advice:
    1) be prepared to have your diary looked at 2) say what you say gently. Because what a discouraged, frustated newbie hears is: your diet sucks- you suck.
    And that's not what's needed. Advice needs to be aprapo to the poster.
  • runfreddyrun
    runfreddyrun Posts: 137 Member
    make small changes. if you are in the habit of eating a lot of fast food, order the chicken sandwich but no fries and no coke. start drinking shakes once or twice a day. i like walker diet because it's cheap and is alot better than slimfast. i also eat a lot of lean cuisines, which i know are crap but it's better than ordering a pizza.

    look at your diary over the last week and see what you can cut out. i also like fast food, pizza and donuts but haven't craved any of it over the last week. every night i will have a skinny cow ice cream sandwich, although i didn't last night. i also have a few shakes and lean cuisines a day. i like cooking breakfast. if i don't feel like cooking i will eat a jimmy deal delight sandwich, which actually taste pretty good.

    i realize that i am still eating a lot of processed food, but right now i am focused on cutting out most (if not all) of the crap and staying within my calorie range. once i get into the habit of eating better i'll try for the less processed food.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Studies show your metabolism slows down and eating a good breakfast ( not talking eat a thousand calorie breakfast here ) everyday along with eating healthy meals/snacks through out the day will keep you full and constantly keep your metabolism in a higher burning state..

    Yes your metabolism is always working but not at a consistent optimal state.......

    The poster is upset that her first week of weight loss is done and she gained 4 lbs.. Well that can easily be contributed to the choices she made over the last few days.. Can you eat donuts? Sure..... should you if you want to lose weight and reach your goals ? Probably not..

    None of us would be here in the position we are now if we never had to make the choice of carrots over chocolate cake as a snack or if our metabolism was firing on all cylinders..

    I have loss over 100lbs doing the above and I can only relay what has worked for me... However no mater which way you reach your goals consistent bad habits aren't going to get you there.

    Do the studies show that several small meals a day keep the metabolism in a "higher burning state" than three big meals a day? How about one massive meal? Or does it make no difference? I'd like to see studies that back up the theory that you need to eat breakfast for weight loss, or you need to eat several small meals. (Not being sarcastic, honestly would be interested to see those.)

    Quality of diet is a different issue. I'm not sure what exactly you're saying is wrong with having a donut for breakfast. Is it that donuts are high in calories? Or that she'd be better off with a high protein breakfast? Or unprocessed? What makes it a "bad choice"?

    The OP is at the end of her first week doing this; the first of many weeks. I can't speak for her, but chances are she is trying to make small, sustainable changes to her diet so that she can be successful not just in losing the weight, but keeping it off too. There are plenty of people around who have been completely successful in their weight-loss goals but have chosen not to give up pizza or donuts forever. Other people choose to eat only completely unprocessed foods, or low-carb, or vegetarian, or whatever. A good diet is important for health, but it's not actually that vital for weight loss. I rarely eat donuts, but I eat plenty of other stuff that I'm sure you would call "bad choices". I'm having no trouble with my own weight-loss goals though, and I also have a much better diet than I did 6 months ago. You've done really well to lose over 100 lbs, but what has worked for you wouldn't be sustainable for me long-term. Some people like the "all or nothing" approach; for some of us, we'd never reach our goals doing that.

    I know you're just trying to help with your suggestions, but remember, she's in her first week at this. She may decide to make different food choices somewhere along the line, but for now, she's kept under her calorie goal for the week and is wondering why she sees a 4 lb gain on the scales. From the information given, that's extremely likely to have the more simple explanation of water retention following exercise.
  • knittermom07
    knittermom07 Posts: 94 Member
    Personally I would recommend not stepping on the scale for the first month. Honestly, when starting a new exercise routine you will always gain water weight and it takes a while to adjust, plus I really think our bodies don't like to loose pounds, it's strange. Keep going, don't let this get you down, focus on how you feel and how you are gonna feel in a few weeks. that is the hardest time to get thru. Just be stubborn about it and keep at it!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    HI .. I was looking at your diary....... I'm sorry but you are not going to get the losses you want on that type of food intake.. You can't out work a bad diet plain and simple.....

    FIrst thing I would do is focus on eating more at breakfast.. Its a good foundation to starting your metabolism ..

    Eat around 5 small meals a day ( Healthy ) the idea is to keep your metabolism burning.....

    Finally be honest with yourself.... You know that dominos is a bad choice... You know having a donut is a bad choice.. You will only get out what you put in ... I wish you best of luck ..
    Meal timing doesn't matter for weight-loss. Your metabolism is working all the time, it doesn't need a big breakfast to start it up. Several small meals a day suits some people, but not everyone. It's also perfectly possible to lose weight with the occasional donut or whatever. There's a lot to be said for eating nutritious, whole foods, but cutting out all "junk" overnight is not necessary for successful weight-loss.

    yes, meal timing doesn't matter, but the whole "eat 5-6 smaller meals a day to lose weight" is a good tool for people that tend to binge eat at scheduled meal times. it still takes a lot of willpower to be able to serve yourself only one bowl of pasta or just one pork chop or what ever at dinner.

    i know from experience that when i first started to lose weight i would plan 5-6 meals a day. two of those meals were something like an apple and some almonds, but whatever.

    also, while breakfast doesn't "jump start" anything, having a good solid breakfast can help you satiate your hunger until lunch time, and prevent the feeding frenzy that may occur if you have a poor breakfast.
  • runfreddyrun
    runfreddyrun Posts: 137 Member
    it may take a few weeks or months before you figure out what really works for you (i.e. how much exercise, how many calories, what to eat).

    the main thing is to make small consistent changes and to not give up.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member

    also, while breakfast doesn't "jump start" anything, having a good solid breakfast can help you satiate your hunger until lunch time, and prevent the feeding frenzy that may occur if you have a poor breakfast.

    This is purely anecdotal, but I know plenty of people - in real life as well as on here - that actually feel much hungrier if they have breakfast, and struggle to wait until lunch. If they don't have breakfast, they find it easier to wait. I agree with you though, that if someone is prone to bingeing after a large fast, then regular meals would probably work better for them. I think it's one of those things where everyone has to find what works for them.
  • wrinju
    wrinju Posts: 93 Member
    Just remember this is not a race. You are drinking water and You are starting to track your calories and if you were like me I never tracked my calories before. This is my first week doing it and I'm really amazed by what I've put in my mouth. I also broke out the measuring cups, spoons and scale. I'm realizing what real portion sizes are.

    Keep moving and each day think about what you put in your mouth. Ask youself if this will help you reach your goal or not.

    You might not see the results you wanted on the scale but know you are making some good first steps!
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    It is generally considered among many fitness experts as well as metabolic study institutes that eating regularly and consistently keeps your body burning the few you are putting indie of it..

    I am not going to do the leg work or you but you can study up on the below to back my claims as well as a few simple google searches can help
    John Berardi, PhD, CSCS, president, Precision Nutrition; author, The Metabolism Advantage. Berardi, J. The Metabolism Advantage, Rodale Press, 2006. Sanjay Patel, MD, assistant professor of medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. DavidAllison, PhD, professor of biostatistics and director of the clinical nutrition center at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, Ala.Noreen, E. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, May 1, 2003; vol 35, supplement 1: p S248. Kristine Clark, PhD, RD, FACSM, assistant professor and director of sports nutrition at Pennsylvania State University.

    As I said before.. The poster came on the boards up set that she gained.. Most people ( and I know there are exceptions, I feel compelled to throw that caveat out to you ) their first week with eating right and exercising will mostly lose water weight not retain...My first week at almost 300lbs this time 2 years ago I lost 10 lbs.

    What I am saying is you can't expect to reach your goals or consistently lose if you are going to maintain the choices the poster made this past week in her diary.

    This is getting redundant, so I am going to back away now..

    Exercise and better choices is what the poster needs to be successful in reaching her goals.. As I said before I wish you the best of luck.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Thank you everyone. Great advice. I appreciate the help.
    I did weigh in after the "big hike" and my legs were sore for days so yes they were holding water.

    I'm working on healthier eating and avoiding the scale for just a while. Sometimes I get too wrapped up in a number.
    PLUS the pop is gone from the house. :)

    Happy Friday to all.

    Take some "before" measurements and photos. The scale is very deceptive and it rarely tells the whole story. The pictures and measurements will give you another way to gauge success.
  • skinnyone2012
    skinnyone2012 Posts: 85 Member
    The other thing I noticed after looking at your diary is you are doing the chinese thing a fair amount. Lots of sodium there. I dont see many veggies and not much protein.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Try to dial back on the fast food.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I am not going to do the leg work or you but you can study up on the below to back my claims as well as a few simple google searches can help
    John Berardi, PhD, CSCS, president, Precision Nutrition; author, The Metabolism Advantage. Berardi, J. The Metabolism Advantage, Rodale Press, 2006. Sanjay Patel, MD, assistant professor of medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. DavidAllison, PhD, professor of biostatistics and director of the clinical nutrition center at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, Ala.Noreen, E. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, May 1, 2003; vol 35, supplement 1: p S248. Kristine Clark, PhD, RD, FACSM, assistant professor and director of sports nutrition at Pennsylvania State University.
    Oh, that study. On fish oil supplementation.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I find I lose or gain a week after doing well or doing poorly. give it time.. it may take your body a week or two..then you'll start dropping... don't get discouraged..just get stronger by sticking with it.. it will pay off. It is almost like our subconscious mind is looking for a reason to we get discouraged..and really it is unreasonable to expect your body to lose on a weekly really doesn't work like that.

    Log in everyday..visit the the success stories and keep motivated. good can do it
  • ErnestinesMom
    It is generally considered among many fitness experts as well as metabolic study institutes that eating regularly and consistently keeps your body burning the few you are putting indie of it..

    I am not going to do the leg work or you but you can study up on the below to back my claims as well as a few simple google searches can help
    John Berardi, PhD, CSCS, president, Precision Nutrition; author, The Metabolism Advantage. Berardi, J. The Metabolism Advantage, Rodale Press, 2006. Sanjay Patel, MD, assistant professor of medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. DavidAllison, PhD, professor of biostatistics and director of the clinical nutrition center at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, Ala.Noreen, E. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, May 1, 2003; vol 35, supplement 1: p S248. Kristine Clark, PhD, RD, FACSM, assistant professor and director of sports nutrition at Pennsylvania State University.

    As I said before.. The poster came on the boards up set that she gained.. Most people ( and I know there are exceptions, I feel compelled to throw that caveat out to you ) their first week with eating right and exercising will mostly lose water weight not retain...My first week at almost 300lbs this time 2 years ago I lost 10 lbs.

    What I am saying is you can't expect to reach your goals or consistently lose if you are going to maintain the choices the poster made this past week in her diary.

    This is getting redundant, so I am going to back away now..

    Exercise and better choices is what the poster needs to be successful in reaching her goals.. As I said before I wish you the best of luck.

    Seriously, I totally agree with you. The OP's food choices jumped out immediately as the number one culprit. Eat clean, fruits, veggies, whole grains (bread, I go with Ezekiel--Food For Life)...lean protein. I make my own pizza...Ezekiel tortillas as a base.

    Great that OP came on here and said, hey...this is not working. And I felt you were right on the money with your advice.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Please remember that a women's cycle plays a role in all of this! Every month I have a week before my "tom" where I get bloated and gain weight. After the week is up, i lose all of the water weight plus some. Please keep at it - at least for a month, and if there is nothing - you may want to consider seeing your doctor.