What Food Plan Do You Use?



  • Shaklee Cinch program
  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    I don't follow a diet or a plan like low carb, high fat or anything similar. I just live by some simply rules:
    Everything in moderation.
    Crisps and sweets only on saturdays.
    Limit portion sizes and eat slowly, so you feel when you're full.
    Try to make as much of my own food as possible.

    I think it has gotten me pretty far! I only started this summer, and I've lost almost five kilos! Which is very good, since I'm not really overweight to begin with, just a bit chubby and out of shape. I don't believe anyone should have to resort to quick diets or fixes, it's all about a lifestyle change you can live with till you die. So I still eat crisps on saturdays, I eat food I like, and I'm happy and feel great :D

    Edit: and of course, I use MFP and make sure I don't go over my calorie goal. I don't freak out if i should do that one day a week though.
  • head_in_rainbows
    head_in_rainbows Posts: 290 Member
    I can't say I am doing briliant here sine I am loosing very slowly, but I lost about 16 kg before joining and eating more or less the same way as now so ... I eat try to eat food that has low glycemic index, is home made and has a lot of fibre. I avoid processed food and eat meat in moderation (about 2 times a week). I avoid sweets and desserts and generally empty calories ... but than I never had sweet tooth and if I ate kebabs or chinese fast food it was not because I like it so much but because of being lazy so ...

    Oh ! And I limit teh porcion sizes. No matter how good and healthy the food if you eat too much and don't burn it off, it stays in your hips.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I basically buy meat and plan my meals around that. It's not much different than what I did before except that I eat more fruit and veggies now and I stopped buying junk food.

    I looked at a lot of food plans, but they are too rigid. I like to save money on groceries and buy the sale items and work around that. I pretty much eat what I want. I just make sure that I am getting enough protein (that's the hardest for me) and the right range of fats and fiber. I have altered my dinner plans in order to change it up so that I can hit my macros.

    Honestly, I don't like people telling me what to do. I like to figure out what I need to do and do it myself. :smile:
  • Raven413
    Raven413 Posts: 86
    Thanks to all of you for responding. It sounds like most of you are using MFP and making sure that there are more calories out than in. It all makes sense and as long as I use portion control and exercise on a regular I should start seeing results. Once again, thanks so much. I'll keep you updated on my progress.
  • Hi, due to medical needs I eat completely gluten-free, wheat-free, processed food free, raw dairy only, and sugar free. This means nothing with added sugar, including artificial sugars. My sugar that I use is raw honey. And sometimes agave nector. Although I found that agave makes me sick to my stomach.

    So tons of veggies, fruits that are in season, very light on the raw dairy, and tons of protein. Like good peanut butters, nuts, and grass-raised meat.

    Meat would be bison, beef, chicken, and venison.

    Like always, I try to stay all organic and completely natural. :) It helps!

    i too am on a very similar regime and have been for 10 weeks now, my pain has gone from my Fibromyalgia and im feeling so much better plus at my lowest ever weight - i only did this under supervision from a nutritional expert and i take several supplements too HCL, MULTI VITAMIN, MAGNESIUM, VITAMIN D, OMEGA 3 FISH OIL. im training harder than before and do not ache for days afterwards. I will try my hardest to stick to this way of life as it works for me :O)
  • mkc2004
    mkc2004 Posts: 21 Member
    Love these ideas, gotta bump!