Looking for Friends... and Teammates!

My husband and I have been using MFP together for the past month or so to try to shed unwanted pounds so that we can be there for our children. Up to this point, we have only friended each other and used each other for support.

Just recently read about Healthywage.com and the Matchup competeition in a magazine and we would like to form a team. The August competition winners are announced the first week of December -- and I don't know anyone who wouldn't like an extra $2000 in their pocket for Christmas.


We are looking for friends/teammates that are willing to commit to this, to be supportive, to help keep each other commited and hold each other responsible. The more weight you have to lose, the better. Only 16.5% of your body weight can be lost in the 3 mos for the contest purposes (anything over will not count.)

I am a 34 year old mother of 6 with a current goal of just over 100 lbs to lose and my husband is 36, reccovering from a neck injury and surgery and looking to lose around 40lbs to get back to his "fighting weight."

If you are interested in joining our team, please message me.
Have a great day!