You keep saying that word...



  • PurpleEpiphany
    Lol yeah, if it didn't add up most of us wouldn't be on this site in the first place :D

    I was just wondering if it's adding calories or adding protein that makes the difference, you know? It sucks that there are so many studies out there with conflicting statements. Makes it tough to weed through it all and find what works for you.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    Strangely a lot of my added calories have come from carbs, that was a huge step for me because I was convinced they were evil. I've started making sandwiches with whole grain breads and eating oatmeal for breakfast and so far so good.

    So imo its the added calories not the added protein, at least it has been for me. I have my macros set at 40 30 30 and that seems to give me enough variety where I don't feel deprived and can enjoy my meals.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Inconceivable! :P

    My default was 1550, but then I got an active job and that got bumped up to 1700. Seems to work for me pretty well, lost 8 pounds since the start of July. :D

    But yeah, you always gotta question what you read on the internets.