Scales venting



  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    I weigh myself daily (or very nearly), keeping in mind that it will fluctuate from day to day and hour to hour. I use the same scale each time (you could have two scales sitting next to one another and get off one and onto the other and get different readings).

    However, out of the past two weeks, there were 10--count 'em, TEN--consecutive weights that were EXACTLY the same. It's a digital scale, and it was exact to the OUNCE!! I was starting to think there was something wrong with the scale!! I would have been OK with it going UP (just a little, let's not get crazy here), just GIVE ME SOMETHING DIFFERENT for pete's sake!

    Then on the 11th day, it changed--and went down 0.6 pounds! YAY!